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Thread: Stars Align

  1. #41
    Clea Larson
    "That's my plan," Clea replied, leading the way towards the dorsal access. "The element of surprise and so we ensure that the damn thing doesn't try to come onboard are our allies." She was used to think rationally and strategically. She appreciated that the other woman was the same. It made things easier.

    Once they were outside, the half Zabrak looked around, picking on the large predator trying to munch on another part of the ship. She gestured for the other brunette to take left while she took right. They had to be stealthy and quickly, but taking it in pincer was their best approach, especially with the large head and throat the creature possessed.

  2. #42
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Maggewetok's Avatar
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    In the shadows...
    Climbing up and out of the ship, Maggie immediately remained low to the hull in the hopes of keeping her scent as muted as possible. Noting Clea's motion for her to take the other flank on this beast, the Saami nodded and continued keeping low as she moved, picking up the pace a bit as she knew that they both were upwind of this creature which meant he may smell them coming. Such a possibility prompted her to move, keeping her senses open as hazel eyes took in the surrounding area, the treeline possibly hiding more of them. No movement so far, so the Alliance agent moved up to the edge of the cockpit, glancing over toward part of the shadow on the ground as the predator had now moved on, apparently given up on the small protrusion that didn't help him get into the ship. Now he was looking for another avenue to get inside then spotted the cockpit window.

    Keeping low behind the tubeway that linked the cockpit to the rest of the ship, Maggie motioned to Clea of the animal's movement and that it was now below her on the other side of the rounded hall. Instead of dropping atop it, she moved to the edge of the hull on this side of the apparent attraction, lowering herself between the hull and smoother exterior of the cockpit. Keeping the knife in her teeth, she waited for a moment as the creature began scraping on the hull with it's claws, then pulled itself up to stand on it's hind feet. That was her signal as the brunette dropped down, then in one swift motion grabbed the knife from her mouth and lunged, stabbing toward the predator's white underbelly, just as the creature dropped to all fours and growled....

  3. #43
    Clea Larson
    It had been a while since she had partaken in such a hunt but despite her exhaustion - which she put up with thanks to painkillers and some earlier caf - she was enjoying it. It was also a good way to release her bottled anger, especially since she was protecting her ship by the same occasion.

    When the other brunette went for the underbelly, Clea jumped on the back of the large creature which now was on all-fours. Without hesitation and managing to keep some measure of balance, she plunged the blade into the beast's neck, blood splattering as she hit her target. The predator roared but was choking on its own blood. With a firm double-handed grip on the hilt, she twisted to make sure that between both of their stabbing, the creature had no chance to get out of it alive.

  4. #44
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    In the shadows...
    Reacting now to the added weight on it's back as well as the wound to the predator's neck, it spun and tried to wrench the immediate threat on it's back away. Seeing her opportunity now, Maggie knew that Clea wasn't going to be able to hold on forever, so lunged with her knife, cutting across it's throat which prompted the large feline to now just be away from this danger, though it appeared that today it had chosen two opponents that had no intentions of letting that happen. Blood now oozing from both entry wounds, the once gorgeous hair was matted with it's own ichor as the cat kept trying to free itself from the attacker gripped to it. Soon, Maggie watched as the cat-like eyes glazed over and it's movements became less energetic, now succumbing to it's fate.

    Backing, Maggie allowed that Clea claim the first trophy from the kill as Saami also had that same cultural trait.

  5. #45
    Clea Larson
    It was a shame to end such a beautiful predator's life but when it came to her own safety, Clea was a ruthless hunter herself and wasn't the kind to back down. So she knew that this killing was meant to happen given the circumstances.

    Nodding to her partner-in-crime, she then worked on removing the feline's canines and placed them into a pouch she had at her belt. The canines as trophy used to be a trademark to some of her mother's ancestors and the hybrid woman had retained such customs up to this day when fighting against large animals.

    She'd have to clean herself up but it would wait until the other brunette was done and she decided whether she was heading back to the village or stay aboard the ship as night was now almost there.

  6. #46
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    In the shadows...
    Keeping her eyes and ears open as Clea claimed her trophies, Maggie had a feeling that this wasn't the last predator that would visit tonight and once the other brunette was done, the Saami immediately claimed the claws from it's right paw, intending on making them part of a necklace later on. That done, she glanced to her fellow warrior, "Best be back inside. This kill's going to be on something's list soon." Moving to the ramp which was still closed, she waited for Clea to open the ship back up, again being vigilant about keeping a watch as the servos soon whined in protest as the ramp opened.

    Following the ship's owner into the vessel, the ramp now closing again almost as quickly, she could hear the calls of various hunters now inviting others to the feast. Just in time, she mused. "Should clean these claws if you have a sink in engineering, or a workshop onboard?"

  7. #47
    Clea Larson
    "The way of nature," Clea mused as she opened the boarding ramp, making sure nothing tried to make its way inside. Once the hatch was secured again behind the other woman and her, she wondered what else the night would bring. She couldn't wait to get the hell away from this place, although she wasn't stuck in the mud anymore. There was so much that would require her attention for her work after she took her freighter off of this rock.

    "I have a sink." She showed her guest to the engineering room and gestured for her to clean her trophy first. The scientist would take care of her own afterwards.

    "Since it's likely going to be a long night, do you want something to eat or drink?"

  8. #48
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    In the shadows...
    Moving to the small sink, she nodded as Maggie took out the claws again, "Sure, thanks. Water's fine." Turning on the water, she began cleaning each of the rounded claws, appreciating the tenacity of their foe earlier just the way she had done when at home on Belsavis. Flashes of memories came back and she could hear her father's stories that he loved to tell as they all settled in for the night, nestled beneath furs. Exaggerated, his expression and hands recounting the hunt that they had endured against immense monsters from the deep and how he had averted certain death before striking the killing blow. Smiling to herself, her eyes misted as she realized occasionally how much she missed them all. Swallowing hard, Maggie pushed those memories back to the recesses of her mind again, doing her best not to let her sadness show.

    Bits of flesh and blood dripped into the sink, soon washed away by the running water as Clea returned. "Thanks," she replied without looking up. Finishing with the fourth one, she straightened again and gathered the glass of water, then moved out of the way. Taking a sip, she held her trophies in her left hand, closed fist. "Should be safe in here tonight. Give us time to repair the rest of your ship and hopefully let you get out of here in the morning."

  9. #49
    Clea Larson
    Clea left her guest take care of the cleaning, and she went to the galley. Once there, she grabbed a stim from a cupboard and injected herself with it. Given how unlikely she was to get any rest for many more hours, she had to stay sharp and at this stage, caf wasn't enough. She grabbed herself some ration bars and a new large water bottle, along with two paper glasses. The freighter only had the basics and was by no mean a vacation ship.

    When the sink was free, she worked on cleaning the canines, appreciating the vigor the creature had put up against them. She nodded to what the other brunette said. "That'd be good. I should already be at the asteroiding mining facility but at least it's not too far from here, once the ship is ready to go."

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