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Thread: Deciding Death

  1. #1
    Nadgkema An'Telkis

    Complete Deciding Death

    The last reports the High Lady of House Mecetti had received from her spies scattered across the Tapani Sector were preoccupying. Nadgkema An'Telkis hadn't governed the House for twenty years to simply ignore threats against it. If some lesser Houses considered intrigue and assassination petty and beneath them, they didn't deserve to live. Only the most clever and accomplished survived and it was why she prided herself in her Von Balis blood, despite bearing - mostly - no ill-will against her in-laws. While alliances of power were common amongst Tapani nobility, her late husband Kavan and her had shared deep love and respect for each other. And their twin daughters bore the best traits from both bloodlines.

    Upon her return from a meeting with some of her loyal Mecetti nobles, she headed straight for her favored aisle of her secondary mansion. Concealed on the rocky sides of the Nether Star Mountains, she had favored this place for a long time, especially since it was an inheritance from her own family. The An'Telkis might rule in name and under her firm guidance, but she was a Von Balis above all else and that was to be remembered by her subjects as well.

    The High Lady entered the red antechamber but chose not to sit yet. She had sent for Dangereuse, having a pressing mission for her pupil and niece. Truth be told, Dangereuse was more like a daughter to her than anything else. Her relative's assassin skills were going to be put to good use and there was no one else she trusted - save for herself - with such delicate matters.
    Last edited by Nadgkema An'Telkis; Jul 6th, 2016 at 10:06:17 AM.

  2. #2
    Dangereuse had already been present at her aunt's house in the Nether Star mountains. It was not her home, but she was often there, training as she was now. The assassin stood with her back to the door of one of the training rooms, facing the window where she used the reflection of the glass to see behind her as she practiced her dagger work. The target dummy before her was not a moving, breathing, fighting mark, but it was only slightly less rewarding to punch it full of holes in all it's vital targets.

    It was impossible to tell the time by the angle of the sun. Obulette had a constant twilight of murderous red, fitting for the throne world of House Mecetti, benefactors of the Mecrosa Order. By her estimation, her lady aunt should be returning soon from her trip to the main palace of House Mecetti, and her business there. Danger waited trying to spend some of the energy humming through her veins. Eventually, she was interrupted, and informed that her aunt awaited her presence. Danger left at once, tendrils of copper hair escaping her formerly perfect upswept coiffure and a sheen of exertion on her brow. You did not keep the High Lady waiting..

    Entering the red room, her aunt's preferred haunt, Lady Dangereuse dipped into a curtsy made no less graceful by the lack of a gown. "My lady.", she greeted her aunt. "How were your travels?"

  3. #3
    Nadgkema An'Telkis
    The red antechamber was a perfect echo of the constant twilight that bathed Obulette. No wonder red and black were amongst the High Lady's favorite colors, especially given her complex past as a Mecrosa Assassin. That training, just as her molding into a fine Sith, always remained close to her heart and gave her added guidance in the way she led House Mecetti. That was why the Tapani House had thrived so much compared to some lesser ones that had dwindled over centuries. More needed to be taken down but all would come in due time. She had no doubt that House Mecetti would tower over all Tapani Sector at some point, regardless of feeble and strong attempts to sully the Mecetti.

    A warm smile brightened her delicate features as she felt her niece's aura draw closer to where she was. She turned her face to look at Dangereuse the instant the younger assassin entered the room. She nodded to the offered curtsey. "My travels have gone well, thank you." With a look at her handmaidens, she dismissed them. They all disappeared, leaving only aunt and niece in the room.

    "Some troubling news have emerged. Once again House Cadriaan wishes us ill. Their scorful facade against spying didn't prevent them from seeking out external help through their commercial dealings. There are emerging rumors - officially denied of course by the accused - they have been looking into hiring bounty hunters to strike against us." While as a Sith Knight and Mecrosa Assassin, she knew that people like the latter and especially like Dangereuse who was trained in both, could prevail, she wasn't naive to the point of thinking no bounty hunter could cause harm to the Mecetti and especially her own family.

    "I want you to investigate this situation so we can retaliate in the most permanent fashion."

  4. #4
    The Tapani noblewoman's expression, formerly warm with affection for her aunt, turned quite frosty with the mention of House Cadriaan. True, they occupied their own section of Tapani space, yet the schemes in this sector reached from province to province, a political dance of power. It was their desire to see House Mecetti brought low that had cost Danger's parents their lives. A violent death was expected when you lived a life of violent deeds, but they had still been her parents. She would never stop repaying their loss upon those responsible..

    "Of course, my lady." Dangereuse nodded. "I shall ascertain the truth behind the rumors. It seems low, even for House Cadriaan, to resort to hirelings of inferior wiles. Common bounty hunters..?" Her blue eyes rolled upward at the antics of their fellow nobles. They really should know better.

    "The hunters themselves? Should they also be eliminated, or should I return them to sender, my lady?" Danger grinned, happy to send them back the gift of death, or to see to it personally, as her aunt desired.

  5. #5
    Nadgkema An'Telkis
    Nadgkema had always supported and worked to maintain House Mecetti's superiority over the rest of the Tapani noble houses, for she firmly believed it was the one and only truth, regardless of what some other petty ambitious specimen might argue. She had particular hatred for House Cadriaan. They had murdered relatives and their narrow-minded distateful views warranted no mercy. If she could wipe them off the face of the galaxy, she would do this without batting a lash. It was also why she was specifically picking Dangereuse for this mission.

    "I was surprised to when I heard that. Given their dislike for what makes our house strong, they find themselves with very few individuals able to carry out their dirty deeds though, which might make these rumors true."

    A devious glint appeared in the High Lady's eyes upon her niece's next question and she returned the grin. "All of this. Eliminate them, return some pieces to sender but keep tokens for us to retain, for future reference."

  6. #6
    "They find their possibilities somewhat limited because no one wants to get on your bad side, aunt." Danger chuckled.

    It was true though. Not just the head of the House Mecetti, but also of the Order of Dark side assassins, to insult Nadgkema An'Telkis was to ask for death. And her niece was happy to deliver it with her regards.

    "It will be as you have said, my lady." Dangereuse bowed at the waist. "I shall leave at once, if that meets with your approval. I prefer to do my hunting while the trail is still wet with blood."

    "Will you give the girls my love?"

  7. #7
    Nadgkema An'Telkis
    "No one can stand in the Von Balis's way." Nadgkema replied with a vicious spark in her eyes. She was dead serious about this and blood was thicker than anything else. She grinned to her niece, very proud of how far she had already come. And she knew there was so much more in store for Dangereuse.

    "I already had a ship prepared for you, but before you go, there is one lesson I need to impart on you. A new skill you will find handy."

    She smiled more softly at the mention of her daughter. "Be sure I will. Aurora is eager to learn more from you." She knew that Aurora would spend more and more time being trained to become a Mecrosa Assassin and had already been tutored a few times even at her young age. Yet, the High Lady mostly entrusted her daughter's education in Dangereuse's hands.

  8. #8
    The possibility of learning something new from her aunt had Dangereuse drawing near eagerly. She was always covetous of learning more, especially when the subject material was in the category of the ways of the Dark side, or in some new manner of bringing death to their marks. "Something new?"

    Aurora would be green with envy, even in the red stain of Obulette.

    "What skill would you have me acquire, my lady?"

  9. #9
    Nadgkema An'Telkis
    "Come with me, dear daughter." Nadgkema said, lacing her arm with Dangereuse, the most satisfied smile on her delicate lips, while darkness danced in her gaze. She led her to her private study, and after making sure the door was locked, she went to open the secret access to staircases. She had taken her niece there once in the past, when she had begun to train her in the Sith arts. Yet, her pupil had never seen everything. When she went into these depths, Nadgkema was no more and only Darth Kamurda remained.

    Nobody could hear or see whatever unfolded there. It was a far cry from a Sith temple, but the Dark Side embued everything there and her true nature could revel in this place. "Do you remember Lady Gila? She got horribly sick a month ago. A true loss for sure. Her family was sad of her passing."

  10. #10
    Danger's heartbeat sped up in her chest excitedly. It was a rare occasion to be taken into the heart of Kamurda's vault within the Nether Star mountain estate. This was not the designated residence of House Mecetti's High Lady that was the palace. This was her private retreat, and only artifacts and people of great significance to her were permitted. It was an honor.

    "I do recall it." Dangereuse confirmed with a slow nod.

    If it had been a hit, it had not been designed to be a quick death. The woman had lingered..

  11. #11
    Nadgkema An'Telkis
    "That illness truly took a toll on her. The doctors did all they could but her heart just gave up at some point." There was satisfaction laced with pure evil glee in her voice, as she recalled the feat she had pulled, weaving dark side knowledge with the right elixir, provided by a very trusted off world source.

    "A shame her family burned the wrong body." She led the way through dark hallways, until they reached several cells. Most were empty but a couple had prisoners in there. In one of them was Lady Gila, curled up on the floor. "This vermin proved a traitor to the Mecetti House. She had been feeding information to certain uncertain members of our house, trying to stir up unwanted trouble. I made sure to silence her."

    She looked at Dangereuse. "The illness affected her speech ability though, so she hasn't been of great help the regular way. We will need to dig deep into the confines of her petty brain to retrieve any information that could serve us. I kept her for your education as well."

  12. #12
    Dangereuse knew then what her aunt had done, the moment she'd said the woman's heart gave out. Certain compounds once refined could produce just that effect. A body cold and still, without a pulse. Death like paralysis. Frinka venom was one of the ingredients, but her own knowledge on the reagents of the deadly arts were not nearly as complex as the Mecrosa Knight's. Grinning at her aunt's deviousness, Dangereuse followed her toward the cell where the unfortunate Lady Gila remained bound and mute.

    Walking forward, the Mecrosa assassin used the toe of her boot to roll the woman unceremoniously onto her back, to better ascertain what was left there to work with. She could not speak, but if she could Danger had an idea about what she would say. Behind her bleary red eyes was not the look of someone ready to beg for mercy, and none would be given. What she saw there in the wretches eyes was defiance. It had clearly become a point of contention between the Lady Gila and her aunt. Gila thought that she should speak her mind, her aunt had thought otherwise..

    "You think you are ready to die?", Danger asked the woman. Standing over her. "You think this is the worst that we can do and that all you have left to face is the end? You have not met me yet, lady."

    One tiny vial, pulled from the belts strapped around her thighs, was held suspended between Danger's gloved fingers. "You do not know what loss is. Let me teach you."

    With her heel now at the woman's throat, she forced her head back, choking her. This woman was just like the conspirators that had cost her parents their lives. She deserved everything Danger could offer, and more. Leaning over her, she dashed the contents in the woman's eyes, and stepped back. The mixture had been designed in it's primary form to inflict blindness, but it had been painless. Dangereuse had not been satisfied with that alone, mixing liberal amounts of highly concentrated salt as well. It would sting like nothing she could describe, and the resulting tears would only spread it faster.

    Letting Gila writhe in silent agony, a while, she stepped back and spoke to her aunt, once more. "I have seen you do this. Break a mind and tear out it's secrets. The breaking I can handle, what's next?"

  13. #13
    Nadgkema An'Telkis
    Nadgkema had yearned to handle Lady Gila herself, but she had seen an opportunity to teach Dangereuse in the dark arts once again and hadn't wanted to pass it up, regardless of her own desires. Her niece showed so much promise that it would be a shame not to continue molding her in a great Sith besides her Mecrosa assassin education. She watched with pleasure and acute attention how the younger Von Balis handled the prisoner. Nothing would stop the Von Balis to show how they were meant to lead House Mecetti, whether in name or by blood as Nadgkema had done for many years. She cared not that some feathers were ruffled for she reminded her beloved subjects that she was Von Balis by blood, even when she had never regretted marrying her dear late Kavan and giving him beautiful and intelligent daughters.

    She returned her attention to Dangereuse when a question was asked. "The trick is not to get carried over with the breaking. While we are used to do this as slow or quick as we wish, you should be even more focused on your target's responses. By going slower, you will dig deeper into their mind. You have to give and take in the pressure you apply onto their brain, so you keep time and use to how you will read into the sometimes scattered thoughts. The pain lowers their defenses, but it can also make the reading more difficult because their vivid emotions can act as natural screen to what you want to pry."

  14. #14
    "I understand, Lady Kamurda. Let us get started."

    Heavy wooden chairs were set against the opposite wall. They were far enough away that their prisoner had no hope of reaching them, short of suddenly manifesting the Force. Not likely. Dangereuse crossed the stone floor of the vault's room, slowly. Methodically. Letting the steady tap of her high heeled boots speak for her. It was all Lady Gila had left at the moment, her sense of hearing. So let her hear well. Dangereuse was in no rush to leave now. The trail would keep awhile. She would take her time perfecting this skill. It was as Kamurda had said. Handy.

    The steps came closer and closer to the blind, soundless woman. The chair was set down over top her body, pinning her arms to her sides, confining her further. Danger straddled the chair, curling her hands around the back. She looked down on Lady Gila, like a roast she was pondering where to begin to cut. Her fingers outstretched as she began to delve, starting with the obvious, the results of her psychological torture.

    "You made a move against the wrong family, Gila.", she tsked. "Family is everything to a Von Balis. Shall I pay your family a visit? Tell me what I want to know.. tell me all your dirty little secrets.."

  15. #15
    Nadgkema An'Telkis
    Kamurda made no sound, standing still as a statue, or vigilant as a predator could be. She feared not for Dangereuse but she was attentive to see how their prisoner would react. Not only did she yearn to find out what secrets Gila had sold out and how they would punish not just her but her family and everyone involved, but she was also quietly observing and sensing her pupil's delicate and dangerous work. As a fellow Mecrosa assassin, she appreciated what her niece was doing, ensuring to use every tool she had available to make Gila's life miserable. That was something she had embraced over the years, to make the best of her Sith and Mecrosa training. It had even permeated and sharpened her mind as High Lady, though most ignored that.

    As stubborn as Gila was, Kamurda felt her fear swelling in her and her anguish was like a nectar to be savored, besides the goal they had with this session. The prisoner moaned but the Sith felt her mind crack as a muddle of images came to the surface, despite her best-laid plans.

    Dangereuse would be able to begin snatching information from the blur at this point.

  16. #16
    There is was... Fear. Dangereuse felt it's familiar presence as it began to swim through Gila's veins like ice water. The woman would feel panic for her family that had just been threatened, but more pressingly she would feel panic for herself. Being deprived of all of the little luxuries, such as her senses one by one was a terrifying fate. So far though, she was managing to fight against revealing the very thoughts Danger most wanted access to.

    "Impressive, but how long can you take it, Gila? I'm not nearly done with you yet, you know. You can not speak. You can not see. Very soon you will not be able to hear and then what will you be? A heap of flesh left to quiver and rot, helpless - unless you do something to make it all stop."

    To emphasize just how alone and at the mercy of her hosts Gila was, Danger dug the toe of her boot into the woman's fingers. "They say to lose one sense amplifies the others. So with only your sense of touch left, we could have great fun, you and I."

    "....but I'll have more fun with Betina.", Danger lifted her boot from the woman's twitching fingers. "How long do you think your frail daughter could stand this before she broke? Did you tell her of your plans to move against House Mecetti?

    Danger's gloved fingers splayed for a moment before closing into a fist. She had just touched upon what she was seeking. The fear was in Gila's throat like bile, and the details of her involvement began to take shape in the haze of her tormented mind.

    Quiet words exchanged at social functions.

    Lies told to various influential contacts over tea.

    Incriminating evidence against the Von Balis family planted to drag their name through the mud..

    "Oh, Gila... You've been a very naughty girl."

  17. #17
    Nadgkema An'Telkis
    Nadgkema felt so proud of Dangereuse. She also knew that keeping Gila for her niece to practice her art and learn new dark techniques had been a streak of genius. It was the perfect practical application. Theory was important and a crucial component but nothing could ever beat practice.

    While the Sith kept her sharp senses focused on everything that was unfolding, she made sure to respect her pupil's work and not interfere with it. She was tempted to, not because she mistrust Dangereuse's skills, but the High Lady wanted to turn this woman to shreds herself and rip everything from her mind that could serve to protect the House.

    She liked how ingenious the younger Von Balis was as she brought up Gila's daughter. For certain that would be an incentive and it proved as such.

    She stood in silence, a predator smile eventually curving her lips. "Good to see this twisted broken mind still has something to offer." That wouldn't save her at all, but gleaning information was part of the game of power.

  18. #18
    It was like trying to watch a badly damaged holofilm. The quality was grainy at best and scattered, to understand the nature of the thoughts she was extracting, Dangereuse was going to have to treat it much the same way, sharpen the picture until it came into focus - even if she had to run it back and view it multiple times.

    The closer she got to the woman, the clearer the mental image became. In a flurry of motion, Dangereuse rose and toppled the chair out of her way. She crouched low over the woman, closing her fingers roughly around her jaw to form a closer connection. Her head bowed over Gila's body, eyes closed almost reverently as she pulled out more detail of the instances she had touched upon, speaking to her aunt as she did.

    "Nala Forseta of the Lastelle system is someone she reported to, Kamurda."

    Danger's head tipped back as the Dark side of the Force pooled like ice in her veins. It was a pleasure-pain to use such skills, and she suspected it would become an addiction quite easily. Gila's mind was opening, spilling secrets now.. "Their plans to plant evidence on you failed, my lady. You chose not to attend the musicale on Betolio, and Lady Elisteen was unable to incriminate you with it."

    "What else, Gila? Who was the man?", Danger demanded, pushing the woman's head backward painfully. "No one?" She pressed her harder, sensing that the woman's mind could not take much more. Kamurda had warned her, the mind could only take so much and she was pushing the limits now..

    "Afram Stitchman? Never heard of him. He's some foreman at Lanthe Artifice on Gilliana and...", Danger wrapped her hands around the woman's frail shoulders, yanking her up like a limp doll. "Stay with me Gila, what else?"

    Gila was drooling now. A trickle of spittle, tinged with blood escaped the slack side of her mouth. "And he's the middle for the credits that were used to buy our deaths. Someone paid him - he paid someone else."

    "She's no longer of any use...", Dangereuse announced with disgust, standing up and wiping her hands of the matter.
    Last edited by Dangereuse Von Balis; Jul 4th, 2016 at 02:19:03 PM.

  19. #19
    Nadgkema An'Telkis
    This of the Lastelle would need to be interrogated and discarded. Kamurda had seen the rise of ploys against them in the past months. It meant that the Mecrosa assassins would be even busier than usual in the next while. She wouldn't let anyone stand against House Mecetti, especially against her own blood.

    A predator like grin briefly curved her lips when her niece stated how her last minute change of plan had caused havok on her enemies' objectives. Her expression turned sour as she felt the prisoner's mind ready to collapse in a permanent manner. That was the downfall of any form of deep interrogation but it was nevertheless more useful than not pressing captives to the breaking point. Every bit of information could help. Sometimes a detail could be a game changer, which was why the Von Balis born High Lady knew better than to skip on them.

    When Dangereuse confirmed that the woman was of no remaining use, she waited for her niece to come by her side, before burning the still warm body on the stone ground of the cell. Watching her captive turn to dust, she gave an appreciative nod to her pupil. "A lesson well learned. It is time for you to leave for your mission."

    She pursed her lips, eyes still upon the prisoner. "This new matter also needs to be handled, but we have a trail now. I still want you to focus on the more pressing threat we have on our hands."

  20. #20
    "I will follow the money."

    Dangereuse confirmed her plans to her aunt, with a nod of her head. Kamurda knew that her niece would report in with anything of importance that she discovered, but otherwise she would not return until all of those who were involved had paid with their lives. The lords and ladies who thought the idea up. The ones who paid for it. The foreman who arranged it. The thugs that were being paid to do the job, and anyone else fool enough to get in her way. She would show them what happened when you poked at the hive of the Mecrosa Order. Blood would run..

    "I will return with your trophies, my master." Bowing over Kamurda's hand Dangereuse sealed her promise with a kiss upon the back, before rising and departing the vault the way she had come.

    The hunt was on, and the trail was fresh..


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