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Thread: Ashin Varanin

  1. #1
    Ashin Varanin

    Ashin Varanin

    Ashin Cardé Desmius Varanin
    Late 40's/early 50's :: Unaligned :: Trade Consultant, Dark Jedi

    Mobile lifestyle - currently visiting Jovan Station, based on Bespin

    Character Background

    • Once based on Annaj, Madame Varanin hails from the Unknown Regions, and knows them just about as well as anyone can.
    • She makes her living by connecting merchants and corporations with partners in the middle of fething nowhere.
    • Grim, wry, and quietly egomaniacal, Ashin is a Dark Master, but the discreet kind.
    • A very long time ago, Ashin was a Jedi Padawan; she disappeared into the Unknown Regions as a girl, shortly before the Clone Wars. Her original homeworld was New Cov, though her birth mother was a member of a minor Naboo noble house.

    Raw Material
    • Ashin has spent so much time in the Unknown Regions that recent history has passed her by. Apart from her work as a trade consultant near the edge of the Unknown Regions, she has few connections in the known galaxy.
    • The worlds of the Unknown Regions call her by a variety of names, not all of them pleasant. At various points, she's fought the Ssi-Ruuk, the Abominor, the Charon, Mnggal-Mnggal, and the Sorcerers of Rhand.
    • Ashin has a serious private grudge against Sith in general, though she used to be one. She spent a good portion of her adult life infected with Sith poison.

    Plot Ideas

    • Ashin intends to base her operations from Bespin. She's interested in connecting with local businesses and repairing the Sanctuary Pipeline.
    • Ashin guides trade and exploration missions into the Unknown Regions, and brings trade representatives and curios to the known galaxy.
    • Ashin keeps her Force-sensitivity and Dark Side alignment hidden, but nobody's perfect. Quey'tek meditation can be a fickle mistress. I'm completely comfortable with Ashin's Force-sensitivity being detected if it makes sense.

    Existing Relationships

    • Ashin's daughter Ibaris Varanin-Jacobs is sort of bohemian. Though their relationship is a bit distant and strained, a serious threat to Ibaris is a good way to bring Ashin out of hiding.
    • Ashin has been married to Spencer (Jacobs) Varanin for almost two decades.
    • Due to spending most of her adult life in the Unknown Regions, Ashin has few connections in the known galaxy. It's possible that someone might remember a missing, pre-Purge Jedi Padawan by her name. Her birth mother on Naboo is long dead, as are her adoptive parents on New Cov.

    Current Plots

    • Ashin is visiting her daughter Ibaris on Jovan Station in an attempt to repair their relationship.
    • Ashin aims to set up shop on Bespin. Apparently the Greater Javin is the place to be.


    Ashin Varanin was the illegitimate child of a minor Naboo noble scion -- a scandal of the Legislative Youth Program. Ashin was placed for adoption shortly after birth. A husband-and-wife merchant duo from New Cov adopted her, but gave her up to the Jedi Order once her Force potential was discovered. A few years later, Ashin’s birth mother died during the Trade Federation occupation of Naboo.

    As a Jedi Youngling, Ashin was studious, determined, and unexceptional. She developed something of a reputation for bladework, but never moved past Shii-Cho in any serious way. The Force was not especially strong with her, though she acquired a talent for resilience and defense -- tapas, Force shields, tutaminis and the like. That talent would remain with her throughout her life.

    Prior to the Clone Wars, in her early teens, Ashin failed to acquire a Master. She was seconded to the Agricultural Corps. When war erupted and the Battle of Geonosis claimed the lives of numerous Jedi, her case was reexamined. Not long thereafter, however, she found herself separated from the Order and pursued by Dark Side adepts outside of known space.

    She found her calling in the planetary defense forces and uncertain alliances of the Unknown Regions. Lacking any real desire to return to the known galaxy, she trained and worked alongside the Shapers of Kro Var, the Blazing Chain, and other local Force traditions. At one point, she discovered a back route to Ilum (also located in the Unknown Regions) and procured a crystal to build a new lightsabre.

    In her early twenties, she became aware of the Empire’s rise. More or less simultaneously, she fell afoul of the Sorcerers of Rhand and an Unknown Regions Sith cult. She was infected with several variants of Sith poison and, to her frustration, fell to the Dark Side. She spent a year in the industrial wastelands and shantytowns of 244Core, hiding from her enemies. During that time, she honed her Force connection by hunting rapists and murderers. Eventually, local allies persuaded her that she could still do good even as a Darksider. She came out of hiding, then infiltrated and destroyed the cult.

    Over the ensuing years, Ashin acquired followers and connections across the Unknown Regions. She fought the Ssi-Ruuk, the Rhandites, and other local threats; she walked on Mugg Fallow and killed a planet-sized Abominor. Her Force potential was augmented from unimpressive to acceptable during a campaign against the Charon. A young former Jedi named Spencer Jacobs became Ashin’s apprentice, then her lover, then her wife and fellow leader of a Blazing Chain-influenced warband called the Lords of the Fringe. During this time, they destroyed another Dark Side cult and rescued an infant girl who they named Ibaris. They raised her as their daughter.

    After the Battle of Endor, Ashin began making inquiries about the state of the galaxy. Within a few years, she had a decent idea of the big picture, but no contacts of note. She worked on Annaj as a trade facilitator, using her long-honed contacts and exhaustive hyperspace database to link the Unknown Regions and corporations in known space. While on Annaj, and thereafter, she began to keep a much lower profile than she’d kept in her youth. It’s one thing to go stomping around the Unknown Regions as a Dark Side warlord. It’s quite another to give off that kind of uncivilized vibe in the galaxy proper.

    Compounding the issue, Ashin’s training has been eclectic and then some, prone to gaps. For one thing, she is and always has been fairly terrible at sensing most things through the Force. In most respects, her power doesn’t apply at medium or long ranges. She’s a defensive specialist, focusing on Force Protection and tutaminis. Though she can take heavy weapons fire to the face and walk it off, none of that helps when the largest threats to her continued existence stem from the immense unknowns of known space. She doesn’t know what she doesn’t know, and what she doesn’t know can bite her in the butt on occasion.
    Last edited by Ashin Varanin; May 31st, 2016 at 12:23:55 PM.

  2. #2
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    Salem was a padawan pre purge.

    These two may have met then, or after the purge, when he may have been romping around the galaxy falling under the sway of the dark side.

  3. #3
    Ashin Varanin
    Sounds good to me. Was he using the same name at the time?

  4. #4
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    As a padawan, he went by his birth name, Salemescro Avesca.

    He went as Glace Kilgannon later on, when he was a young Sith.

  5. #5
    TheHolo.Net Admin

    DragonCon 09
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    Oh, about.
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    s'Il was also a Padawan during the Clone Wars and the Purge. She didn't have very many friends though; if any. So it's entirely possible that the two could've come into contact with each other during the way-back times

  6. #6
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    I'm a doctor, not a Jedi, Jim! What you're asking for is impossible! Oh, wait, I am a Jedi.

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    Ilias Nytrau's Avatar
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    Gamertag: MiriyaCailis Steam ID: Gyndar
    Ilias was a master by the time of the Purge, but a Knight prior to that. He's presently in his sixties.

  7. #7
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    Zem Vymes's Avatar
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    Pre Order 66 chime-in.

    Zem Vymes was a Jedi Knight during the Clone Wars and a decorated hero of the Outer Rim sieges.

  8. #8
    I've got a few pre-Purge Jedi as well.

    Inyos Aamoran was a newly-minted Jedi Knight during the Clone Wars. His buddy Mandan Hidatsa was a Jedi Padawan (hadn't quite earned promotion yet). They both did some stuff with a sort of underground railroad for Jedi during the Purge. Mandan is dead, but his Force ghost pops up from time to time.

    My bounty hunter, Chir'daki, is cloned from Gideon Lazuli, a Jedi Knight. He knows something is up, but no one has pointed this out to him yet - he's on Cloud City currently, so if Ashin happens to recognise him, that might open up some options.

    I've also got a character that goes by the codename Red Queen. She was part of a Jedi, but never even made it as far as Padawan before she flunked out. I haven't quite pinned down where she slots in just yet - she's kinda nebulous and mysterious, fits into the Imperial hierarchy *somewhere*, and is a smidge on the dark side, but I haven't worked out too many details.
    It's like that, and that's the way it is.


  9. #9
    Ashin Varanin
    Well, excellent. I've just finished retconning and re-drafting Ashin's bio for rank transfer stuff, so once that's finalized, I'll post that here or on the wiki or wherever. There's some detail in there about her pre-66 Jedi career that might click for whatever.

  10. #10
    Declan Ross
    Ashin - Not sure how I'd fit with this version of Ashin, but you know i'm always up for writing with you.

  11. #11
    We'll figure something out for sure.

  12. #12
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    The Baroness of Bespin

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    Would you like an apprentice?

  13. #13
    Ashin Varanin
    Love one, assuming the transfer goes through. Disclaimer: Ashin's Force skillset is about 70% tank and 30% rusty/eclectic. It ain't for everyone.

  14. #14
    Ashin Varanin
    Added the rehashed bio.

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