"Dangerous for whom?" Qilin challenged; though it was more the challenge of a teacher encouraging a student towards insight than the confrontation of a rival.

His brows folded downwards into a frown, and a deep contemplative silence fell upon him as he pondered his next words. There were many things he could say that would undermine the White Witch as the Hunter had called her, many observations that would erode the edges of her her adamance. Such tactics would not work against Thesis, however: she was impervious to such attempts to chip away, and her steely resolve would only force her to be malleable, to bend her argument to evade such criticisms. The only resort against someone such as she was to pound her argument into submission with an undeniable, overwhelming truth.

"What precedent has been set by this act that has not already been established by members of this Council? You call the preservation of life a dangerous precedent, and yet you sit in the presence of one whose very mandate is to preserve all. You condemn this act, and yet you sit beside a man to whom you did much the same. You speak as if you advocate free will, and yet in the same breath you condemn whichever member of this Council chose to act upon their own."

"Perhaps what surprises me most of all, however, is to hear you advocate these souls being left to their Fate."

He fixed her with a look that conveyed all the accusation that his gently-spoken words did not.

"I was not aware you had abandoned your beliefs, and made yourself a slave to that concept."