Han peered into the window just as Lilaena pulled up in her speeder. What was she doing there? Wasn't he suppose to get the kid out before she came? Whatever, it didn't change anything, just the fact that she was now watching him, and even using such words as 'please,' and 'do it now.' How dare she tell him to do something. They asked him to hep out, and he felt like it then. But if she was to tell him to do something again, forget about getting the little wet noised kid. Han cept all his thoughts to himself, as he usualy did. Hell would break loose the day he let his mind speak out to others.

As he watched the window, LD started to apply something to the window. Han didn't care what it was, he didn't need to know. He tried to focus his thoughts on what was needed now. To get the kid to come to the window. How was he to do that? Just then the kid got up from his bed and started to walk around the room.

Han ducked back so as no to be seen. Carefully watching the kid, he tried to come up with a way, a
image[/i] that would draw the child near. But just as was to be expected, the boy had to go and turn on a robot. Great, Han thought, something else to go wrong. Getting closer to the window, Han attempted to look deeper inside, to get familiar with the area. To notice where the bed, dresser, nightstand, whatever was in the room, to make sure that if he used a illusion that it would not just walk through the bed or something.

The room was pretty simple, nothing cluttered the center of the floor that much. A good thing to keep in mind. In his peripheral vision he saw movement, just as Jax looked toward the window, Han stepped away to the side. He was sure that Jax saw him. That could fail this mission. He needed to work fast, to come up with something quick. He motioned Lil to move back as he focused his mind.[/i]

Inside the bedroom a small figure could be seen outside the window. It cast a shadow into the room from the lights of the lights that lit up the busy night life of the planet. And as the figure got closer to the window its shape and size could be determined. It looked to be a helpless cat that found its way onto the ledge and, just like all cats, didn't want to seem to come down on its own.