Originally posted by Marcus Elessar
Some of things Amercia has done have NOT been good, some of the wars Arerica has been in have not been just. America has put in dictactors like in Chile and supported them. Please, lets not be one eyed. But, I personally know most governments have blood on theirs hands at one time of their nation's history.

That however in this particular case is neither here nor there. Personally I have noted, the anti and pro USA statements have reached points of absurdity in the last few days.
Yes, and yet, America has provided countless billions in foreign aid. Has stepped into conflicts other countries did not want to bother. Whom remained non-participants. I am not saying the US is perfect because sadly it is not. No country is. I am very disturbed by some of the feelings shared on the board. The US are not invaders, didn't we involve ourselves in WWII to stop the Nazi fascists and Japanese imperialists, Korea to stop the north korean aggressors, Vietnam to halt an invading north vietnamese communist regime, Desert Storm to oust Saddam's forces out of Kuwait. We are not aggressors and if anything that power has been used to police rather than invade.