Novgorod - Officer's Quarters Common Area.

The Keyensoar spook box, when it came down to it, was a computer. Like any other computer, it had rules, commands, memory, and programs. It just happened to have an AI, a quantum signal generator, and whole host of other tricks. It was a complicated computer, and right now Morgan didn't want to look at it any more. After their encounter and summary dress down by the field commander, Morgan needed a break. Cirr didn't need to say anything to the Jedi. He knew fully well that pulling a stunt like that in a live mission would not work remotely well, unless the scenario called for it. The look they had after Captain Soto Terius had read the riot act said it all. Morgan would have volunteered for the brig, but he knew the big kitty would have had none of it. It was fortunate that no one ended up there. The fact was the Novgorod was far more valuable in the field with it's captain than without.

Right now, the furthest thing from his mind was any sort of AI, script, or signal propagation profile. Right now Morgan was flipping through a mix of used speeders and speeder parts, until he looked up and spotted a familiar, unexpected and welcome face.