Winter was setting in once again. It wasn't quite here yet, but the bitter chill of the morning could have fooled Trevor, who was finishing raking the fallen leaves in the churchyard. His teeth chattered every so often, the pale skin on his exposed face having turned almost blue.

It didn't felt like a year had passed. A year of being dead. Back then, it was a thought that would have send shivers up the Brit's spine, but now it was a comfortable reality. He had loved a much more peaceful life since his awakening. Tending to the church and training with Nikki. He was hardly tearing up the town, but he was peaceful, and content.

Finising up his last pile of leaves, he plucked the cigarette from his lips and exhaled heavily, before flicking onto the ground and stamping out the butt. He raked it into the pile, before hearing the soft sound of approaching footsteps and feeling the buzz in his head.