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Thread: DATABANK: Rebel Starfighter Squadrons

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    DATABANK: Rebel Starfighter Squadrons

    <dl><dd>"Well, you know the Rogues. All we need is a ship and rock to land it on." ―Wedge Antilles</dd><dt>"Overwhelming odds, tough target, scant chance of survival—business as usual for Rogue Squadron." ―Corran Horn</dt></dl>
    Rogue Squadron was originally founded by Commander Narra, Wedge Antilles and Luke Skywalker shortly after the Battle of Yavin, out of the remains of Red Squadron. The squadron was reformed with an new roster following the Battle of Endor. The pilots that currently comprise the squadron roster are the finest the Rebel Alliance has to offer.

    Rogue Leader - Commander Kelly "Hot Mama" Perris (X-Wing)
    Rogue Two - Flight Officer Justinian "Blink" Atreides (X-Wing)
    Rogue Three - Flight Officer Henry "Donut" McDonnaught (X-Wing)
    Rogue Four - Flight Officer Meeristali "Juyo" Peradun (X-Wing)
    Rogue Five - Flight Officer Tera "Razor" Uolmi (X-Wing)
    Rogue Six
    - Captain Jaden "Monkey" Luka (X-Wing)
    Rogue Seven - Flight Officer --------------- (X-Wing)
    Rogue Eight - Flight Officer Aros "Cupid" Indigu (X-Wing)
    Rogue Nine - Lieutenant Jamo "Joker" Jakatta (X-Wing)
    Rogue Ten - Flight Officer Iyar "Flipper" Thiled (X-Wing)
    Rogue Eleven - Flight Officer Carré "Phoenix" Inirial (X-Wing)
    Rogue Twelve - Flight Officer Yoree "Flash" Neel - NPC (X-Wing)

    Rank structure is as follows:

    * General
    * Major
    * Commander
    * Captain
    * Lieutenant
    * Flight Officer
    * Flight Cadet
    Last edited by Kelly Perris; Mar 13th, 2010 at 12:41:48 PM.


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