One thing I am noticing in looking over the biographies is that we have a lot of characters rooted in the prequel era. I feel compelled to point out the timeline...

Most notably,

Episode I = 32 years before ANH
Ep II = 19 years before ANH

That's 36 years and 23 years before Endor respectively.

Try to keep this in mind. If you are claiming to be a youngling or a padawan when Anakin cleaned out the Temple... your character is 20's-30's today. If you claim to be a Knight during the clone wars, at the youngest, you're like 40-45. If you were at Geonosis, or were the padawn of a comic book character from the era, you're in your mid 40's minimum. (Poor Ayla. *sniff*)

Now I understand that people are free to make their characters how they want. And one can argue about the lifespan of humans in a futuristic galaxy not to mention the clean living that comes with being a Jedi. Plus it's just cool to be from that era. I am.

So don't get me wrong... I'm not admonishing anyone. Just keep in mind that your character will not be a kid. There will be a few wrinkles in their features here and there. They've seen a lot in the last 23+ years of exile.

Those who have already thought about this... you know who you are.

That's all.