Comfort meant the body suit was coming off. It might be practical inside the armor but it was a real pain to wear all the time. I was more of a naked kind of person when I was alone on the ship or living somewhere on my own, but I don't think that's quite what Beck had in mind. For now. The girl had a way of teasing with her words, like something was going to happen. I'd believe it when I see it, because most of my interests never pay off in the end; but I was damn excited at the possibility. It made my guts hurts just thinking about it. I know I was hungry, but it felt like my stomach was already full of anxiety and anticipation. Oh god. I hope I can eat. It'll be really embarrassing if she goes through all the hassle of ordering food if I just bat it around on a plate. Great. Now my anxiety is worse.

At least the outfit she picked out for me was cute. It looked comfortable. I kind of wanted to see her in it, to my honest. I bet she looked really good in sweatpants and a shirt. Casual and thicc. Shit. Think about something else. I can feel myself turning red again. Oh fuck. Now she's taken off her glasses. I think I liked her with them on more. The nerdy look was cute, but wow. She looked good without them, too! She might just be all around attractive.


"Umm, well. Er... What would jyou ljike to know? jI'm not verrjy jinterresstjing. jI'm frrom Carsshouljiss Prrjime. jI don't talk to mjy famjiljy becausse they arre all buttholess. jI ljike ssnack foodss and Gunjhin Anime. jI'm mjissssjing an earr and a tajil. Nothjing sspecjial."

That was all that came to mind when I thought about who I was. That was pretty much it without spilling into a whole lot of messy drama about just why I hate my mother to such a degree that I've written off my entire species and how much I hope the Cluster falls into a black hole some day. The galaxy would be a better place without it. That's not interesting information. Nothing about me is interesting. She had followed up with the more important of the two questions. I guess it was nice of her to throw me a bone like that, but let's be real. She definitely would rather hear about Abaddon. Who wouldn't?

"Abaddon jiss a merrcenarrjy and bountjy hunterr. Doess a lot of worrk jin the corrporrate ssectorr for megacorrpss. Lotss of corrpss emplojy merrcenarrjies forr all sorrtss of thjingss. He ljikess bountjy huntjing morre but none of the Gujildss wjill gjive hjim memberrsshjip sso he hass a harrd tjime fjindjing legjitjimate jobss. He ljikess the LassTech V-sserrjies and the ssmell of therrmal detonatorrss. He ajin't sscarred of nothjing and he's prractjically unkilljiable. People have trrjied but none of them have been able to put hjim down yet. He alwajyss getss back up. He's crrawled out of a sshallow grrave morre than once. Nothjing can keep hjim down. He'ss jindomjitable."

I looked down as I shifted the weight of the clothes in my arms, and saw that I was holding my stomach right where one of my worst injuries had been. I moved the hand back up to help hold the clothes. It wasn't worth thinking about, but the scar was really cool. I'd have to show Beck later.