Days and nights came and went. The ebb and flow of life on Ossus had begun to pulsate with dull rhythm in Serah's soul. The padawan, for she guessed it was what she was by then, did her best to busy herself. It felt as if she had gained so much and yet kept so little. It was a weird impression, one that the pragmatic teenager didn't appreciate.

She loved times of peace but the threat of idleness never did her unquiet soul much good.

She missed the seasons on Uyter, the habits of helping on the farm, or scampering off to the woods to hunt some smaller prey.

She found it ironic that her blindness had appeared more bizarre to some she had encountered at the enclave than back where she had grown up. Or maybe she just stood out because she was still awkwardly figuring her place out. She knew that coming to Ossus had been the appropriate decision, based on what a mysterious Jedi had told her back on Uyter; but it didn't necessarily bring much current clarity.

For some reasons she had expected Ossus to be more hustle and bustle than it was. Really it made sense as hyper and Jedi didn't make sense in the same sentence.

The half-Miraluka liked being useful and keeping busy. That was why she always tried to find something to do. She had grown up on a farm, so tasks about the food and some supplies and even some everyday equipment, was up her alley.

Dressed in her usual brown garb, the young brunette made her way towards the hangar where she'd help sort through some the most recent shipment that contained food and tools. While her useless eyes looked into the vague as always, her Force senses, even raw, helped her navigate the alleyways leading to her destination. Having a routine had also helped her remember certain areas better around the compound.

The birds' chirping she had heard soon evaporated as it was replaced by the sound of a ship landing in the distance, indicating that she was right on time.