“Intriguing offer, Agent Kyris.”

Lilaena took a step toward her, down off the small platform the bench was placed upon. To her credit the agent did not retreat or flinch.

”Do you know why I hate the Empire? Why I made a name over the years with activities that brand me a traitor and a terrorist?

”It is because the Empire cannot be reasoned with. It cannot be parleyed with. It does not compromise its ideals, however monstrous they are. The Empire is a monolith headed by one person, one being with too much power and a penchant for planet killing weapons and genocide.

”I was fighting to avenge the death of the Jedi order, of which I was once a part, long, long ago when I was a child.”

Lilaena fell silent, her face somber.

“My aims have shifted in the last few years. But I still have no love for the Empire.”