The surprise and recognition hit him harder than the punch did. It was that familiarity - Siloo motherkriffing Jaska - that left him reeling. For a moment, the various aspects of his inner psyche warred with each other. Part of him understood, completely. Part of him was utterly enraged; how dare she be here? Part of him wanted to muster up every last scrap of Vansen Tyree that he had in him, and unleash a tirade of scowling and shouting that would regress the insubordinate piece of space trash in front of him to the quivering equivalent of a chastised three-year-old.

The part of him that won out curled his hand into a fist, and clubbed her right back across the jaw.

Jaden's hand snatched the blaster from his holster, a visual discouragement to stop Siloo from escalating her level of stupid. The glower on Jaden's features was pure Tyree though, and he'd been on the receiving end of it's inspiration often enough to know just how withering it was.

"Feel better?" he challenged, the usual drawl of his voice drained until nothing but a growl remained.