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Thread: TheHolo.Net RP Quick Guide

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    TheHolo.Net Admin

    DragonCon 09
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    Information TheHolo.Net RP Quick Guide

    Whether you're new, or an old face coming back, here is a basic summary of this board's Star Wars setting:

    it was six years after the failed Rebel assault on the second Death Star, a battle that cost both sides dearly. The Rebellion lost many of it's heroes and leaders, and the Empire struggled to recover after the loss of the Emperor. Galactic Civil War continued for years, new heroes taking the place of the old, until a new weapon changed the face of the galaxy.

    The Alliance's Starkiller missile program, and the Empire's rush to match them, has polarized the galaxy into a cold war. With borders drawn across the stars, an uneasy truce exists between the major factions.

    The Jedi have emerged from under the Alliance's protective wing, determined to find independence on the world of ossus. And yet the Dark side still lurks, offering opportunities for those who wish to grab onto power...

    * * *

    Truce was in place by 10 ABY

    * * *

    The map of our setting can be found HERE.

    Galactic Empire - blue
    Blue sectors are the Galactic Empire, with different shades distinguishing between the different Oversectors. Regions of light blue / teal are to catch your attention and draw your eye to sectors / regions that are important. For example, the Greater Javin (~K18) is bright blue because of all the roleplaying plans for Cloud City. The Doldur Sector (~P15) is bright blue because it's one of the key sectors on the Imperial-Alliance border.

    Alliance of Free Planets - red
    Red sectors are the Alliance of Free Planets, with different shades distinguishing the Area of Operation of the main Alliance Fleets. The gold sectors are regions with either plot or RP significance - for example, the cool question mark shaped blob near Sullust (~M17-M19) has a whole bunch of alien homeworlds (Sullustan, Sluissi, Bith, H'Nemthe, Xamster, Orto, Omwati, etc) and almost completely surrounds Eriadu, which is where the Tarkin family hails from. The Lambda Sector (~P16) is dominated by the Aqualish, who are anti-Empire but not pro-Alliance: a lot of diplomacy is going to go on there.

    Hutt Space - green
    Green represents Hutt Space, with darker green representing regions that the Hutts think they own, and there's no one around to disagree with them. Much of the dark green region was historically Hutt Space before the Empire, and it includes planets like Gamorr that the Hutts have traditionally drawn slaves from. There's nothing stopping the Alliance (or anyone else) going into these regions, but there's likely to be a lot of Hutt and/or pirate activity when they get there.

    Other Regions - grey
    Grey sectors are not affiliated with any one particular galactic power. These are sectors that the Treaty demanded the Galactic Empire withdraw from, but the Alliance hasn't got enough political sway with the local planets to say "this is ours": effectively a no man's land between major powers. Orange sectors are plot significant: neutral sectors, disputed sectors, and independent space powers like the Centrality or the Gree Enclave. The Arion Sector (~O10) contains the Stenness Node (Ambria, Stenness, etc) and Zeltros, and borders onto the Onderon-Hapes region of uber-plots. The Arkanis Sector (~R16) is important for the Space Western roleplays, as it contains the Space West (Tatooine) and Space Mexico (Geonosis).

    The Force Awakens Era Roleplaying

    After years of fighting, the cold war between the alliance of free planets and the galactic empire came to an end, the two governments uniting to form a new republic.

    But the peace was not to last. inspired by the example of salem ave, several worlds broke away from the Republic to form the first order: a regime even more ruthless and oppressive than the Empire.

    After a brutal attack decimated the jedi order, the Republic - fearing another war - refused to act. Many of the Republic's soldiers and heroes defied orders to form a resistence, to fight back against this new threat...

    **The Force Awakens era roleplays take place 25-ish years from the present timeline here at in ~34 ABY**


    There are quite a lot of groups cropping up in the face of this new cold war; some are new players on the galactic stage and others are old hands. To check them out and join a group, click on the 'Group' link in the top navigation bar. It will take you straight away to the groups page for your viewing pleasure. If you have a character that fits neatly into the groups already established, then definitely feel free to join up!

    Special Fonts

    We've implemented a few new fonts for your posting pleasure. You will need to download them onto your computer for them to display properly.

    You now have:

    Star Jedi

    Galactic Basic

    Black Jack



    Renegado (SW: Rebels)

    If you have any other questions, feel free to ask and we shall do our best to help answer whatever you need to know

    Above all else, we hope that you have fun!
    Last edited by Morgan Evanar; May 21st, 2020 at 08:58:39 AM.


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