Of course. T'yeellaa remembered talking to Rai'faani and Aleeha about a minor row back on Corellia when mother had made the questionable decision to invite Kallum Romanoch to a social engagement. This had been before she'd had time to properly attend to her cunning right hand's housebreaking. He'd gone pink at the notion of Cizeri matrimony customs, insisting that the entire room had gone mad. Speaking of pink, the Commander once more seemed to be that particular hue which served as a precursor to a dangerous comeapart, so the Captain eased down her teacup to prepare.

"jYess, Commanderr. That'ss tjypjical. Marrjied women ussualljy take multjiple hussbandss. jI'd guesss fourr to ssjix jisss ussual."