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Thread: Ghost of a Chance

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  1. #1

    Closed Roleplay [WoD] Ghost of a Chance

    It started with the whispers.

    The bottom floor flat heard them first, but the occupants wrote them off as a malfunctioning heater, steadfastly refusing to believe they were actual words. So the whispers infected the building upward leading to arguments between the husband and wife upstairs. By the time the third floor heard the whispers there was a shadowy figure appearing on the first floor, quietly keening whenever you least expected it. The roommates promptly broke their lease and moved out, claiming a horrific ghost was haunting them.

    The landlord, Mr. Greene, wondered if they'd found out about the murder of a previous renter and were making up a story. By the time the second floor flat ran screaming from the building, yelling about a haunted kitchen, he was resigned to losing yet another crop of renters.

    He dialed a number, one a "sensitive" friend had left him when she'd heard about his haunted building. Ridiculous, really, but with Halloween around the corner perhaps it wouldn't hurt to have someone out to take care of the problem. Or perhaps he could get the ghost tour to stop by, and make some money off the situation. Mr. Greene hesitated with the phone, unsure of his course of action.
    Last edited by Emilie; Nov 7th, 2013 at 03:24:46 PM.


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