She groaned as he pulled her away from the wall, but was evidently quite content to let him support her weight as she leaned on him. "I can get there ... by myself." They walked forward together, and she pointed down a side alley. "There's th' turbolifts to the uppers."

The young man didn't stumble under her weight as he helped steer her body in the right direction. Once inside the 'lift, she untangled herself from his helping arms, and leaned in a corner of the rectangular 'lift. She was dripping wet, and hadn't managed to get her jacket done up before going outside. Of course, it wasn't every day that it rained hard enough topside to get some in the lower levels. This is gross... I'll have to take a shower to get this gunk off me. As she thought about it - the water could have come from anywhere, not just rain.
