Elarys observed Lise Tarkin with the utmost interest, as the aristocrat wandered through the immersive work of the last new artist-in-residence. She was so happy that Morin's creations proved to be a success. She had high hopes for the digital artist, and hoped that her opportunity at the Museum would bring great success in her career.

She grinned to the blonde's exclamation about the bells and whistles that brought the exhibit to life. "Morin has been collaborating with engineers to enhance the experience. I have been nudging her to give a few presentations with them as well. I think it could really be encouraging for younger artists so they see how bringing talents and skills together can make differences."

What Lise Tarkin said next might have been a bit scary to Elarys a while ago but she couldn't help raising a brow and chuckling softly at the flirtatious teasing. Time would tell how things would unfold but she was enjoying her interaction with her date-to-be.

"Well, well, well... You can say I love a good challenge, or that they love me, or a mixture of both."

She wandered a little through the installations towards Lise Tarkin. "Morin's art is outstanding; but I have faith that the chamber music recital should be pleasing."

She stopped by the Ilum installation. "Her work with colors is fascinating but the way she rendered the crystals caves remains a favorite."

She looked at Lise again. "Which one is yours?"