Drifting Dragons (Netflix) - Anime

This one is a bit of a surprisingly enjoyable show. It's tags are 'fantasy' and 'food' as well as others I'm sure but can't recall atm. It's about a draking ship (think whaling) and crew who are trying to make a living hunting dragons. There are some pretty awesome food prep scenes that they have on how to prepare different dragon meat dishes. We haven't finished it yet, but it is still quite a nice break from heavier shows.

Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts (Netflix) - US? animation

Ok, this one is just pure FUN. I would consider it kid-safe, but it's also of the sort that adults can appreciate and enjoy. Each episode is just magical, and the characters are easy to get invested in. The music is super fun as well. It's three seasons, and there is great closure at the end of it. You actually get to see the characters grow and learn in ways that are fresh and make you want more.