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Thread: In The Hall of The Ravenwing

  1. #1

    Lupine In The Hall of The Ravenwing

    Figaro Favoura IV

    (Continued from Homeland for the Homeless)

    Arya Ravenwing, Loveloxx Lupine of House Ravenwing, head and last of her house, walked through the halls of the Losstarot manor on Schwarztweld, and felt like she was having an out of body experience. Loklorien s’Ilancy was leading her back to the common room where her friends were waiting, and she was wearing the crest of her House around her neck for the first time in years.

    She subtly patted her eyes, trying to make sure they weren’t puffy from crying. She felt slightly ashamed at her breakdown, not just because it felt weak, but because what had caused it had not been resolved entirely.

    It was obvious that Lok was intent on providing second chances, but how far did that courtesy extend? To people who hadn’t personally wronged her? If she’d had an experience where her bodily autonomy had been taken away, where she’d been considered a Thing... could she forgive that person? Would she choose to bring him into her family then?

    A buzz of anger was simmering still, under the weariness of being all cried out. Lok said she knew what Karrnage had done to her, and had extended him forgiveness that hadn’t been hers to give.

    But that was just going to have to wait.

    Arya smiled and held up the medallion as they entered the room where Jaas, Dage, and Dietre were waiting. “Mission accomplished!”

    There is a curse.
    They say: May you live in interesting times.

  2. #2
    The sound of the door reopening pulled his attention away from the weird droid thing, which he had been watching like a hawk with his blaster half raised. Looking over at the doorway the first he saw was a smile, and secondly the medallion. He'd never seen it before, but Arya had described it before. He knew how important it was to her, and seeing her joy disarmed his caution immediately. The bowcaster slunk down to point at the ground.

    "That'ss grreat." Jaas said as he returned one rare smile with another. It felt like a chapter was coming to an end, like they had finally completed some stage in Arya's life. As refreshing as that was, the medallion had been such a sole destination that he wasn't sure what the next one was. Struggling out in the void, not knowing where the next paycheck or meal will come from, it was these life goals that kept them going. Gave them something to reach for. Something to get them out of bed every day. He was so lost on his own journey that he had knowingly latched on to her's. There was an uncertainty in the future that he had to put to words.

    "What now?"

  3. #3
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Keeping pace with the taller Loveloxx, s'Il kept her pace constant. Even despite the joviality that Arya spoke with as she hefted her medallion, the Losstarot kept herself to a thin smile. She was happy that the worst-case scenario had been averted.

    For now.

  4. #4
    For his part, Dietre was instantly turning his attention from the MMU to Arya.

    He bared his teeth in a strange, almost expectant greet as his feet moved without thought. He paced to the Ravenwing, angling for a close look.

    "It is de Wilde and de Auftrag, yes?"

    He caught himself, at the look she gave him.

    "De wild and de Order?"

  5. #5
    "Sure," Arya replied, holding out the medallion toward Dietre san Luthgarde but keeping the chain around her neck. "I guess that's what it is. Chaos and order on this side, raven on the other."

    He examined both sides, and then released it back to her with a smile. She tucked it back into her shirt, pulling her nerfhide jacket partially closed.

    "Now what?" Arya echoed Jaas' question, turning toward Loklorien. "I'd really like to see more of the estate here. Is it safe to remain on the planet for a few days? If it is, then I'd also like to find my ancestral home." She pictured the globe that Lok had shown her the other day, but the image was indistinct in her memory. Too much good liquor, perhaps.

    "Maybe we could go for a run?" She interjected some hope into her tone, feeling like she had way too much energy built up despite her crying jag, and needed to release it somehow in a safe manner.

  6. #6
    Grumbling under his breath Jaas adjusted his grip on the bowcaster and finally allowed it to rest on it's shoulder strap. Looks like they were going to be here awhile. In this creepy, quite possibly cursed place. Moldy, at the very least. Like a bunch of pups he could already see them getting excited just at the word run. He carefully pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a long sigh before turning to the only other non-Lupine. The blond haired soldier didn't exactly strike Jaas as the kind of person he would get along with, but right here, right now, he was potentially the only other sane person in the room.

    "I need a drrink. How 'bout you? Doess thiss place have a barr."

  7. #7
    The mention of a run was enough to once more give rise to his desires to Change, and Dietre turned his eyes to the Losstarot.

    "In de small orchard, yes? Will be good, I am t'inkink."

  8. #8
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    The question directed his way was accepted with a certain amount of hopeful eagerness as Samus let his attentions turn to the hulking Cizerack.

    "Aye, the old gal has a stocked bar," he couldn't help but chuckle, "... thankfully we won't have to drink too awful much before we're well and truly able to deal with the little - " he waved a hand in the air, finger waggling, " - change thing that they like to do.

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    Twopio sat stiffly in the copilot's seat in the cockpit of The Wing of the Raven, amber oculars examining the passive sensor readouts on the console in front of him. He could be inside the Losstarot mansion, cataloguing ancient data and updating his Bast'y'r language module, but instead Captain Arya had him sitting in the ship.

    He waved a hand over the console, about to wipe away the sensor data, but something caught his attention. A large creature of some kind, moving in the forest not far from the estate. The droid accessed it and decided that it was not a security risk. Possibly some kind of native animal - the sensors could not define it and it was not within visual range.

    The droid flagged the dataset and instructed the computer to track the creature and keep an eye out for anything similar in the area.

  10. #10
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    There was a wolfish, slight uptick to one corner of her mouth, as s'Il looked from Arya to the san.

    Samus would be more than happy to stay behind she knew, and to entertain Jaassuuvi with any number of the spirits that were stocked.

    "If a run is what my guests want?"

  11. #11

    Outside in the crisp afternoon air, Arya lifted her head and inhaled deeply. Everything smelled ... fresh in a way she wasn’t used to. It was delicious. Her inner Beast stirred, knowing She was about to get to run free, which She hadn’t done in months.

    Practically ignoring the other two Lupines Arya stripped off her jacket and laid it on a low wall, shucking off her boots as she did so. Barefoot in the snow she could barely feel the cold as the Beast pushed hard to be released. Golden-eyed, Arya pulled her shirt off over her head, stripped off her pants and underthings and fell forward onto her hands in the snow, her body reforming and thick black fur rippling out across her back and along her limbs.

    The Change was uncomfortable but also a relief, as if now she was in her true form. The Beast shook out Her fur, large padded feet testing the snow for a moment before turning to view Her two companions.

  12. #12
    Stepping back outside, Dietre let his eyes roam for a few moments. The cool air had a tinge of moisture to it that came from the snow, but it wasn't the sort of bone-chilling unbearable cold that made one freeze where they stood, miserable and shivering. It was more refreshing than anything else, and exhaling a small puff of steam, he turned to look as Arya padded out into the snow. The muffled sounds of her paws sounded as though through a door.

    For him, there was still a ritual to follow; a certain method. A san could not simply throw his garments off and take to the Change. There was a way and a method. It was a process as much as anything else in his life had once been.

    Another deep breath, and Dietre stepped forward.

    There was a stone bench sitting along one of the outer walls, and he approached it with a sure gait. Reaching down, he brushed off the light dusting of snow before pivoting on his heel and slowly easing himself down to sit. To Change was a solemn right, given by those who had deemed him worthy. Worthy of the blood in his veins and the scars on his head. Worthy of the Brand he carried.

    Both hands moved to press palms together before him, his head bowed slightly. Eyes open, he stared ahead as his thoughts traveled back in time to the last time he'd tried to Change. He had been put into carbonate midway through, and while he knew that now was different, there was a wariness still. As though muscle memory held him back for the small fear of being held in such terrible flux once more.

    Now though, they were on Schwartzweld, and most certainly not captives of an arrogant Hutt.

  13. #13
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    She watched the Luthgarde with curiosity, as he moved to the side to occupy one of the many surrounding benches. Unlike Arya, there was something much more reserved in this behavior, and her eye went from him, to the questioning golden eyes of the black Vornskr, then back once more to Dietre as he bent his head ever so slightly. He stared ahead from over the tops of his eyes, and s'Il watched in curiosity as she herself idly reached up to loosen the top button of her duty jacket.

    She moved to another bench, brushed off the accumulated powder of snow, and sat.

  14. #14
    He knew the Losstarot was watching, but gave her none of his attentions. Instead, he focused on Arya's own golden eyes.

    One hand moved the, to fall to the hem of his shirt, and with a methodical motion, he pulled it up and over his head. Another spot was cleared of snow, and he set his shirt neatly beside him. Leaning forward, his boots were unlaced, then slipped off along with his socks.

    He stood then, stretching tendons and muscles and everything that he'd not been able to while on Arya's ship.

    The air on bare skin was refreshing, and he stood like a statue for a few moments to relish the feeling. It was... pure. It was as it was supposed to be.

    Trousers were soon placed atop his shirt, and the Luthgarde took a single step towards the courtyard. Bare feet left distinct prints in the undisturbed snow. Human feet. The trail shifted then, the prints becoming broader and more heavy until rather than human feet, it was massive paws leaving the imprints behind.

    The mottled grey coat and ridged spine of a plated vornskr stalked forward. Hard outer shells of bone and cartilage started at the top of his head, extending down along the top of a thick, shaggy neck and further to where the base of his bony, segmented tail began.

    Golden eyes took in the world around him in colored scents atop a world of black and white.

    The muscles beneath his unkempt pelt propelled him onward, and before long he met Arya's nose with his own.

  15. #15
    Arya watched the man Change, padding along with him in the snow until his form settled. The Beast did not care about his nakedness, only anticipating the end result.

    Once two-legs became four-legs She came closer, cautiously sniffing. His shape was similar to Hers, but different enough for Her to keep a respectful distance.

    And yet, as their noses touched, She smelled a familiar undertone in the layers of scent. The same smell She had picked up on when He had first come out of carbonite. She whined, wanting to run with Him and explore this strange world, but then looked back to where the other one was still unChanged.

    She nuzzled Him, and then loped back toward Lok, eager for her to join them.

  16. #16
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Much as the san had, s'Il removed her own clothing meticulously, folding each article with care before setting them beside her on the bench. Her boots she left resting on the ground, and looking to the two waiting vornskrs, couldn't help but the slight bit of surprise at seeing the Luthgarde's form. A Plated Vornskr was something she'd only seen pictures of. To see one in the flesh was wholly different.

    It was a sight that only paused her momentarily, and once more she moved. Her body seemed to roll with the familiar motions associated with her Change, muscles and tendons shifting and reforming over a changing skeleton. It was a controlled action, as she held the Demi form for a fraction of a second longer than normal, allowing her body to pitch forward and down. She caught herself on hands that had widened into paws, and a sheen of shock-white fur spread like wildfire to cover her and protect her from the elements.

    A last shake as she trotted forward, her bony tail lazily sweeping from side to side with each step, and the Losstarot finally joined the two Loveloxx Lupines.

  17. #17
    Arya stopped still as Lok walked close, and sniffed her carefully, respectfully. A different smell from Him.

    They both seemed content to walk about, but She hadn't stretched Her legs in months. The Beast whined, and then She darted off, plowing through the snow like a dark explosion, and then finding a shallower place to run.

    And She ran, clearing a low wall with a bound and heading for the treeline.

  18. #18
    He stood for only a moment longer, eyes passing over the white-pelted form of the Losstarot. Of course, the blurr of black that dashed past him immediately arrested his attentions, and without thought his body responded, muscles bunching for a fraction of a second before he exploded into movement, bursting forward with the sort of energy that had been pent up for far too long.

    Bulling forward through the snow, the vornskr pressed onward as his length stretched long, his stride eating away at the distance that separated himself and Arya.

    Around a copse of low trees, a nimble hop over a low-sitting shrub, and he was over the very same fence that the Ravenwing Lupine had cleared. She was determined to lead them into a larger grove, and he was happy to oblige. Even as he paced her, he veered wide before angling back in close, and as the two broke the treeline, Dietre barreled ahead with fervor, his long legs propelling him over the snow in an almost manic, happy gallop.

  19. #19
    She didn’t like being passed and lengthened Her stride, darting amongst the trees as She swung around to try to cut him off. Leaping over a fallen tree She nearly landed on top of him, kicking up the thinner layer of snow that had gathered under the trees as She scrambled out of the way and changed direction.

    She ran around and then toward him, the Beast nearly fully in control as Arya simply tried to enjoy the sensations and smells of the run.

  20. #20
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    It was an almost leisurely pace that she took, loping easily after the other two. The low stone wall that both had sailed over, down the small hillock, and into the trees. She could hear the muffled thuds of paws in the snow, and as she wove through the gnarled trunks, s'Il let out a huff from her nostrils.

    The greyscale world around her was a swirl of motion and movement, and ducking under a low-lying branch, the Lupine allowed her tail to thump the snow-covered bark as she passed beneath it.

    Her casual gait continued on, and she came around another clump of trees just in time to see Arya nearly crash into the san.

    There was no mistaking the hunger for the run in Ravenwing's motions.

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