Most Imperial Knights, when granted a furlough, tended to escape the confines of the Citadel, seeking to use their well-earned free time cavorting in the seas of sentient life through Coruscant's entertainment districts. For Matatek Sel Vissica, she found her escape in the Citadel library. Here, she was free to study things that did not necessarily relate to any specific mission. Things less practical than combat doctrine, interrogation methods, and restricted force teachings. For the Selonian, this meant books on anthropology and sociology, covering some two dozen species. Her reading table was further burdened by even less-practical material such as works of fiction. It was an impossibly large collection, one that would take a considerable amount of time to go through. Never easily daunted, Vissica set about the task, burying her nose in one text on Courtly Behaviors of Sho-Torun. She ignored the other denizens of the library, even as most were in the process of tidying up their books to prepare for their own planned furloughs.

Vissica calmly licked one of her finger pads, and flipped the holoflimsi page of her book.