Tox gave an understanding nod as he sent both arms into his pack. He'd at least had the foresight to stuff in a second-hand matrix in the hopes of maybe getting some extra credits for it. But the thought of getting a proto-saber in exchange? By Sima's Tits, that was the sort of deal that could only be imagined. He was already putting together a list of all the components he might need. Just imagine! Rolaska-Tox, Scav-Ranger and swords-Squib!

"I's gottens it here," he mumbled, digging deeper.

"Is repaired, will work likens new."

Stubby fingers closed around the matrix, and he pulled it free along with a few errant baubles which tinked and tonked to the flooring.

"Is matrix," he beamed, holding the prize aloft. The disc-like contraption was ringed in plated metal, with thin tension wires connecting the outer band to the inner magnetite ore and crystalline fusion. Connection wires dangled from the outer edge, and a focusing slider slipped lazily along a precise tracking groove that circled the outer edges. It had been cleaned and tested, to make sure that it was still serviceable, and the Squib held it out to Mayael.

Before she could grab hold of it though, he pulled it slightly out of her reach.

"We's makin' deal. Needen contract."