"Communications chatter puts the rebel outpost right here, approximately. The so called Fort Kalderoga and whatnot."

The intelligence office stabbed at the holographic topographic map, his finger was almost disappearing completely inside the thick forest and mountainous terrain. Around the room murmurs began as half-baked ideas and criticism began to bubble up from the assembled crowd. The details of Operation: Fell Swoop began to take form. Further victory conditions were heaped upon the already daunting task until the room finally fell silent, and not a single branch officer volunteered their forces. The intelligence officer turned bloodshot eyes on the one figure in the room that stood apart from the rest in her black armor and blue robes.

"Naturally, we will be looking to Knight Sturkov to head this operation. Stormtroopers are hardly equipped for such rough terrain, and army recruits will get cut down like vermin. Air support will spook the VIP. We need a quieter approach that won't be decimated by an entrenched enemy. What say you Sturkov? You have a certain... unique skillset."

Leaning forward, the redheaded, scar-faced Imperial Knight let the light of the hologram illuminate her face. The terrain was daunting indeed, but it conjured up a memory from a report she read of a successful operation on the planet Wayland by Captain Wygraant. Napping her fingers on the edge of the projector table, she let a cocky grin pull at the corners of her mouth. "I have a plan. I need Sergeant Tarkov and the Wayland Irregulars unit transferred here immediately. Oh, and send for Knight Vale. We might have use of her."