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Thread: Chief Engineer Anauri Rabeak, Leave A Message.

  1. #1
    TheHolo.Net Poster
    Anauri Rabeak's Avatar
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    Jovan Station

    Rebel - Open Chief Engineer Anauri Rabeak, Leave A Message.





    Hi, this is Chief Engineer Anauri Rabeak. I'm either on a job or away from my comm at the moment. Leave me a message with your name, comm ID, time of call, and the nature and severity of your issue and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. If this is an emergency, please page Main Engineering directly. If there's a fire, call the station emergency line. Everything else, just wait for the beep. But seriously, if there's a fire, call the station emergency line; we have a fire department for a reason.

    Last edited by Anauri Rabeak; Jul 19th, 2016 at 10:53:29 AM.

  2. #2
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer Q. Samus Dage's Avatar
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    Anauri! Gonna be swinging by next week on a routine drop. We should catch the game, yeah?


  3. #3
    Hey Chief! So I was looking at some of your order forms, and I'm not sure about a few of these requests? I can do the normal stuff, but you got some exotic stuff too that I'm not so sure I can swing through. I mean, I love this stuff as much as the next gal, but um, well... see, I just remember when I was rebuilding my old Sansin speeder, I had to make a few alterations since some of the stuff I couldn't get no matter what. Isn't there a chance that you can mollyhock something? Oh, also! Think you could ask the vendomat stocker guy to start putting in some See'tai Ne Sajoi? I can only really get them at the local Ciz kaai'serria, and it's sometimes a little out of my way. Think of it like a productivity boost, you know? Happy workers work better and all that. Anyway, I'll let you go. I'll do what I can to get the stuff you want, but no promises.


  4. #4
    Hey Chief, it's me again! Forgot to ask you, I was watching an episode of Archaic Astronauts last night, and they had a segment on Nehantites, and how there's a crazy stone window to another dimension in what... Kuf, I think? I mean, they said it doesn't work anymore, but way back in the old old days it used to. Is that true?


  5. #5
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    jItss...jitss the K'ohta'rrou. jI'm on accesss tube thrree-two-aurrek, between, um...deckss forrty-two and forrtjy-thrree.

    Sso...the ljift jiss sstuck. Agajin. Can jyou ssend ssomeone ssoon and get me out of herre? Therre'ss no wajy to ssajy thjiss wjithout jit bejing awkwarrd, but jI rrealljy have to pee.



  6. #6
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer
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    I'm sending something your way; should be in your office by the afternoon. Had a friend that found it at a garage market, and he owed me a favor so I had him ship it to me. Only came with one bit, so if you don't have any others, I can't help you on that front. Hope you have some stencils and a steady hand. Make sure everything is done within at least a month.


  7. #7
    Ah, is this Chief Rabeak? Yes! Hello! I'm Mr. Bar-Atoch, from Human Resources. Though, I suppose that it's really more Species Resources. I've just been transferred to Jovan in the hopes of smoothing out any possible... ruffled feathers as I think the phrase goes. I've got a few points that I'd like to talk with you about, so if you could contact me at your earliest convenience, that would be just wonderful. Have a lovely day!


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