On a ship, the passage of days meant little. Time was marked by chronos and the subtle shift of light dimmers that kept up with Galactic Standard Time. The latter mostly confined to crew quarters and their own personal preferences. Of course on the rest of the ship, the glowpanels remained on their brightest setting, and had the annoying habit of piercing one's retinas and stabbing right into a person's brain if they weren't careful. Some times they seemed even brighter; an annoying thing to think of, especially when one was already in a muddled state of mind.

In one cabin a woman slept. She shut out the world in a desperate bid to forget. It was a gambit, and one that only delivered release on occasion. Unfortunately, even her dreams haunted her most nights, and she often wrenched herself from the world of slumber. Sometimes she disturbed her bedmate, and other times she did not. No real matter. Deep breaths, a far off stare, and sleep eventually grabbed a hold of her once more to pull her into her subconscious.

The sound of an alarm dredged her awake. It was silenced, despite her eyes never opening. She felt the bed shift, and curled further inward, neck craning downward as a hand pulled the soft covers up to nearly her forehead.

An eye cracked open, watching.

She wanted the bed to swallow her and never let her remember. She wanted freedom from her memories. She wanted...

What did she want?

To forget. To forget everything.

She groaned, letting out a mumbled string of words in Cizeri before once more closing her eye.

One hand reached out to gently grasp the tail tuft as she mumbled out a barely coherent sentence.

"Come back to bed."