Chasing after Vissica was like chasing after a speeder. Although a much smaller and angrier speeder. Her legs carried her just as fast as they could. Even with the force assisting her stamina and strength, Alexia was completely incapable of keeping up with her Solonian partner. When she reached the clothing store Vissica was touching a civilian and commanding answers from him. Alexia doubled over to catch her breath a moment, but before she could so much as gasp Vissica was diving into the shop. The sound of yelling and smashing followed.

"I'll... Check... the back door." She wheezed before focusing a moment and throwing herself up on to the rooftop. A loose shingle almost sent her plummeting back to the street, but she managed to catch herself on the edge with the tip of her boot and steady herself. Pushing on she ran clear across the roof, dodging between the conduits and air circulators that jutted from it's dirty top. All the way to the other side, where a backdoor would most likely be resting, and position herself at the edge of the rooftop. Her eyes scanned the area, looking for anyone running away. Nothing. She saw nothing.

Steadying her heavy breathing was difficult, but she did her best to focus outward and feel the space around her. She was looking for anyone who didn't belong. Someone in a corner, closet, anywhere out of the ordinary; or a scared, frightened, or angry mind. It was hard to sense anything over the geyser that was Vissica. She was not in a rage, or even angry. More frustrated and focused. Extremely focused. It radiated off her like a storm, poisoning the force around it. It made her feel uneasy. Scared maybe? She couldn't even imagine what it must be like to be on the other side of that furnace.