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Thread: Suicide is Painless

  1. #81
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer
    T'yeellaa Meorrrei's Avatar
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    Jovan Station
    "We have one dajy." T'yeellaa nodded, resolute. "Okajy. But we sspend thjiss one dajy togetherr, asss a famjiljy."

    She reached with one arm for Saa'ri, and another arm for Quentin, and she pulled them in close to her.

    "And we do thjiss rrjight."

  2. #82
    * * *

    They were alone, in their bedroom. It was nearing midnight, and Samus had welcomed the comfort of a fresh bed to share with the only woman he'd ever wanted to share anything with. But this night was different, and he lay back, a small stack of pillows supporting him as he only partially reclined. He held T'yeellaa tightly, feeling as her tail wound around one of his legs like a constricting snake. She hadn't said much when it came time to bed down for the night, and he let her have her thoughts for a small while.

    Holding her now though, he offered what comfort he could.

    One hand rested over her hair, and the other engulfed her own small hands in a protective grip.

    "You wouldn't be a good mother if you didn't worry, or if you weren't afraid of her going out there," he offered in a whisper.
    Last edited by Samus Dage; Jan 3rd, 2016 at 09:20:44 PM.

  3. #83
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer
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    Jovan Station
    "jIss sshe rrjight?"

    T'yeellaa curled up adjacent to her lover, her back to him. She clutched a pillow against her cheek, staring out into the stars.

    "What arre we dojing herre? We'rre not bljind. Therre jiss a warr out therre. jI'm not lookjing forr a fjight, but jit feelss ljike ssometjimess jI'm hjidjing frrom one."

  4. #84
    He thought about that.

    "What's right for one person might not be right for another, Kitten."

    His fingers wound into the soft strands of her hair as he stared at the far wall.

    "Where would you be if you did what your mother wanted you to do?"

    Looking away from the wall and to the endtable on his side, and the velvet pouch that rested atop it, he exhaled a long breath. Disentangling one hand, he reached over to take it up, snaking a finger into the opening to loosen the delicate silk-thread drawstring. The ring came out with ease, and letting go of her hair, he ran a hand down the length of her left arm, taking gentle hold of her wrist.

    The ring slid onto her finger with ease. It was a perfect fit.

  5. #85
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer
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    Jovan Station
    Her eyes widened at the feel of the metal band sliding along her finger. T'yeellaa looked down at the beautiful jewelry, catching the faint light of stars and throwing it back. Her hand closed into a fist, and her other hand move to close Samus's over that. Once again, he'd gotten his way. Leading first on the dance floor. Tonight, she didn't mind. She needed him right where he was.

    "Hold me."

    With Samus's arms around her, T'yeellaa stared out into the far-off stars until she could look no longer, and fell asleep.

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