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Thread: Anything But Routine

  1. #61
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    T'yeellaa's tail swatted the mattress with impatience as she worked at the buttons on his shirt deftly, at last freeing the garment with a flip of each wrist to cast it over his shoulders. With a rumble in her chest, she pulled on the shirt with each hand, bringing Samus close to feel the heat of him against her.

    "Do humanss alwajyss talk sso much jin bed?"

    The K'ohta'rrou's rough tongue raked up Dage's chin before she found his mouth and kept it occupied. It allowed her enough time to dispatch the Commander's belt, which she slung from the loops of his trousers and flung unceremoniously across the room.

  2. #62
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    0522 Hours

    Rousing himself so early in the morning was no difficult task, as he had become accustomed to the normal morning routine early on. Rousing himself from the comfort of another body nestled beside him though, was a different matter entirely. With a light groan, the blonde slowly eased himself up, carefully extricating himself from the limbs that were wrapped around him. He swung his legs over the side of the bed before looking down to the crisscrossed lines that ran over his chest, lifting a hand up to run fingers across each puffed up scratch. No doubt his back was decorated in much the same way if the tell-tale muted sting he was feeling was any indication. He rolled his neck, feeling vertebrae pop, and his shoulders followed suite. The previous night had been... well, it'd been a hell of a night. T'yeellaa Meorrrei had been nearly insatiable, but to his credit he'd given just as good as he'd gotten. Didn't mean he wasn't feeling it now, though.

    His bedmate rolled over to lay on her stomach, bare rump exposed. Twisting his torso to look back at her, Dage gave her rearend an appraising look - obviously more than satisfied with the sight - then gave each cheek a playful smack.

    "Time to wake up, Kitten."

  3. #63
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    Her tail flicked immediately upon the strike on her buttocks, but T'yeellaa was hardly in the waking mood. She didn't even need to look at the chrono to know that Samus was up and bright-eyed at such an utterly un-Cizerack hour. Blue eyes cracked open only slightly, unfocused and with barely enough consciousness underneath to recognize as she muttered groggily...

    "Che'inda suundaana'ia na taunaa..."

    ...and grumpily rolled over with her back to the human.

  4. #64
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    An eyebrow went up at the reaction, and staring for a small bit longer, he finally gave a mental shrug. He turned back, ponderously rising to his feet to begin the search for his clothing. Wrangling his pants, then shirt, then socks, and finally his boots proved to be a wandering affair as each one was scattered about in a different place on the thinly-carpeted floor of her room. Lastly came his belt, and dumping the lot on the foot of her bed, the blonde went about reclothing himself. It was a tender thing, as he found himself grimacing at the protestations of sore muscles and stinging flesh.

    "Stay in bed then," he rumbled good-naturedly despite the slight grimace to his features. He left his trousers unbuttoned as he reached for his shirt and gingerly shrugging it on over his shoulders. "... but my ship leaves port in two hours."

    He reached down, giving the tuft at the end of her tail a playful flick before beginning the task of buttoning up his shirt.

    "It's been fun."

  5. #65
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    He was leaving.

    Somehow, the gist of his words seeped in through the drowsy treacle of her mind, and T'yeellaa sat up, ears askew and hair a mess.

    "Sso ssoon, gai'tou?"

    T'yeellaa's words were husky with drowsiness and punctuated by a teeth-baring yawn.

    "jI thought jI would have jyou longerr than that."

    The K'ohta'rrou petulantly stole Dage's belt from the assembled mass of clothing on the bed, holding it for ransom as her tail looped in teasing flips.

    "A crrujisserr of that ssjize needss tjime to prroperrljy rressuppljy, afterr all."

  6. #66
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    A knowing smile as Dage ambled his way to her side of the bed, and lowering himself to sit, he made a show of trying to reclaim his belt. It was a half-measure though, and he pulled up as she slid it from his grabbing hand.

    "Kitten, after last night, I doubt I'll be any good to you at all right now."

    A partial fib. Sore as he was, the thought of another round was enough to bring a devilish grin to his lips, and Dage half-leaned over her, one hand wrapping easily around a slender wrist and pinning it down as his other reached across her midriff in an attempt to retake his stolen belt.

  7. #67
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    T'yeellaa deftly slung the belt around with her free hand, avoiding Dage's playful grab and allowing the loose end to drape around the back of his neck. She grasped the free end to control both, keeping Samus ensnared with the playful makeshift leash.

    "jI wass hopjing jyourr ssmooth tongue had ssomethjing elsse to ssajy thjiss morrnjing bessjidess goodbjyess."

    She pulled him in for a kiss, an easy invite to an encore of the same performance she'd been treated to five times the night before. He reciprocated, but it was clear in the manner of the kiss that she wasn't persuasive enough to cause him to be derelict in his duties. Meorrrei bit on Dage's lower lip, mindful not to tenderize him further as she pulled away teasingly, at last relinquishing her hold.

    "jI ssupposse thjiss wass gojing to be compljicated no matterr what."

  8. #68
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    For a moment he remained over her, his eyes locked with hers.

    It was a genuine surprise to hear her speak such a word, and as he stood up to make putting on his belt an easier task, Dage gave her a curious look.

    "How do you figure?"

  9. #69
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    "jI don't bed manjy forrda, Ssamuss."

    T'yeellaa sat on the edge of the bed, propped up slightly by one hand as her tail raised and lowered languidly against the bare mattress.

    "Prressent companjy jincluded, the ssample ssjize jiss one. jI thought jit wass jusst forr noveltjy, but jyou'rre no gai'chee. jYou'rre jinterresstjing, and sso few matess rrealljy arre."

    It was completely selfish to admit it, but why not be selfish?

  10. #70
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    His belt buckled, Dage pulled his boots over while lowering himself to sit beside her. He was more than a little bit taken aback, and the motion of sitting at least allowed him a bit of time to think over a response.

    "'Interesting'," he rolled the word around on his tongue and in his mind. It wasn't anything to be offended over; and quite the contrary there was a small bit of pride in the fact that to her admission he was her first dalliance into different flavor.

    "Well. It's better than other things I've been called," he tied of one boot, then went to the other.

    It wasn't exactly what she would want to hear right now, he has suspicions of that well enough. He finally leaned back up, twisting a little bit to give her his full attention.

    "And what would you like me to do."

  11. #71
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    "jI have no jidea. jIt'ss not ljike jI'm asskjing jyou to wearr mjy kaa'rri, norr would jI. jI harrdljy have tjime jin mjy carreerr to thjink about that, and jI doubt jyou do ejitherr."

    Not to mention the fact that he was human. Oh that wasn't nearly enough to stop her mother, but T'yeellaa had some kind of standards in her mind somewhere. Whenever she did decide to have a family - if ever - she couldn't imagine a human wearing her necklace.

    "We sshouldn't let each otherr sslow uss down."

  12. #72
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    Wrapping an arm around her shoulders, he pulled her close, then gave a grin as he leaned back a slight bit to pull her further into his lap.

    "Then how about I make sure that you're the first to know the next time we come back through?"

  13. #73
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    He was as uncomplicated as she'd hoped for, and T'yeellaa's relief passed onto her smile. Her tail looped over and into his lap.

    "jI'd ljike that, Ssamuss. Mjy gai'tou wjill alwajyss have a place to sstajy."

    No strings attached, and as free as they were to be lovers and equals all at once. Such a strange arrangement. It seemed fitting in a place such as this.

  14. #74
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    "Well that's good to know," came the smiling answer, and shifting her back to the bed with an unceremonious motion, Dage lumbered up to his feet once more. He turned to face her, giving her a wink as he bent down to deliver a gentle kiss to her forehead.

    "Try to stay out of too much trouble, Kitten."

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