Doctor Vek's infirmary had taken time to get just right. There were priority matters to establish first, such as last-line lifesaving technology. Defibrilators, a basic surgical ward, trauma and burn stations. Matters of life and death, as with any state of triage, were carefully evaluated. Once these were established, and Vek Vek found he was not inundated with unceasing waves of gravely ill or the dying succumbing to the icy grip of deep space, the Durwi felt he could tend to the small matters. Examination privies, detailed diagnostic equipment, and a fairly comprehensive dispensary supplying 28,000 of the more common prescribables to the most common galactic species. No hospital was an island, and this was still frontier medicine, but Doctor Vek could at last stop worrying about the strategic challenges of establishing an infirmary, and settle for the day to day drudgery of operating one.

"Plasma burn, first degree. No epidermal cremation or deep tissue trauma. Fortunate. Contact incidental."

"Stings like a bitch, doc!"

The human crewman grimaced openly, a sheen of perspiration on his face. Vek Vek's nictating membranes flicked over his eyes momentarily.

"Sting. Pain. Negative reinforcement of detrimental behavior. Signal still functioning. No nerve damage. Patient feels pain. Patient learns. Modifies behavior."

The Durwi frowned, drumming long spindly fingers on his thin crossed arms.

"One hopes."

With a resigned sigh, Vek Vek reached into a nearby cabinet, retrieving a small jar full of white material.

"Topical cream. Moisturizer plus antimicrobial agent with analgesic compound. Apply three times daily. Next time, repair conduit with proper safety attire."

Properly shamed into doing the right thing, the technician nodded, taking the curative balm with him, with a "Thanks Doc." muttered in passing.