Rikke Frygt fixed her gaze at the device in her hand, with the other hand she scraped at the acid soaked corrosion with a thin blade. The old power cell to the lightsaber had already been removed, now all there was left to do was to restore the exterior. When finished she would have an actual pre-Empire Jedi Order lightsaber. A rarity for sure and likely worth tens of thousands of credits. But she was a collector of Force-user weapons, especially those belonging to those she had murdered herself. In her study were mounted Over 20 hilts, only half from people she had killed. She looked up from her work to see her first lightsaber, which came from her first premeditated murder.

She had run into a group of low-level Darksiders, operating out of the ruins of the old Sith Order on Corellia when investigating a case. The students attacxked her, She shot them both dead with a blaster and stole their lightsabers. Later their master would teach her how to use the weapon and train her in the Darkside of the Force.

Rikke's eyes lowered to the hilt below, that lightsaber belonged to her mother. She didn't premeditate her mother's murder, but she'd come to accept that when her mother committed suicide because she felt responsible for Rikke's unfortunate situation when she was a child, Rikke was ultimately responsible.

For her, Rikke Frygt, mistress of all the Sith Order, death was commonplace for those around her. Initially, it disturbed her to be around it, but in time she came to accept her role in the galaxy.

Having cleaned the lightsaber hilt to her satisfaction, she returned it to it's place on the wall. For now she had to assume her new role, one she was still growing in to: teacher.

The door to her office and study slid open. The thin girl she had taken from Coruscant entered and bowed.

"Did you eat?" Rikke asked with authority. By now Alazne Gni had learned that her master never asked an unloaded question.

"May I speak freely, my mistress?"

Rikke nodded upwards and lit a cigarette.

"I know now that I am sick, having eaten so little for so long. But I can't ever convince myself to eat, On Coruscant, I always gave my food away to the younger ones."

Rikke exhaled smoke as she spoke, "You've developed a bad habit of not taking care of yourself."

"Yes, well, it was for the others."

"Let me ask you something," Rikke started. "If you died from not eating, who would give the younger people in your group their food."

"I don't know. Probably the next Yoda... but then he'd die.

"Right." Rikke continued "but my point is: How can you take care of others if you yourself aren't being taken care of? Now, what is very noble of you is that you took care of those children, even if at your own expense. I can acknowledge that. But it doesn't very well solve the problem of hungry kids, now does it?"

"No, mistress."

"How do you solve the problem of starving chrildren? Without starving yourself?"

"More food. If I had the power of other Jedi, I could grow food better. I could read books about farming-"

"-Stop!" Rikke commanded. The girl was getting carried away with her half-baked ideas. "You've seen the food portions we're served here on Taanab, that portion is the government recommended daily dosage for a human, you're mixed, so you should eat a little bit more, but there is that potion times 600 tillion in the galaxy, with only a 300 trillion in galactic population."

Alazne lowered her head a moment as she realized the impact of the facts Rikke had given her. "There's more food than people? And we were still always hungry?"


"I don't... understand, if there's more than enough food, why didn't we get any of it? Even a little bit would have helped."

"I know why, Alazne Gni," Rikke said. "Money."

"Money?" the girl replied, "We never had any money."

"Exactly. On Coruscant, the Empire only care about people who have money. If you have money, you can eat. If you have money, you're important. You and your people had no money, so you're not important."

"But we are!" Alazne Gni protested.

"Oh I know you are." Rikke said. "I'm just telling you that to the Empire you are not important. You, my apprentice, are like a daughter to me.

"I will not fail you, Mistress."

"I know you won't. Now, we have training, Let's go." Rikke said, as she stood up, she called two lightsabers from the wall, One was the weapon she had grown accustomed to as of late, it had a curved hilt in the old style, the casing was vintage, but the insides were all painstakingly built by herself. The second blade was her own first lightsaber, the one she stole when she murdered a Sith apprentice. She handed the lightsaber to Alazne Gni, careful with this one, apprentice, I expect it back without your dead hand still attached to it."

"Of course, mistress."