The silent void of space; an absolute and consuming darkness sprinkled with hot pinpoints of light that were just as dangerous as the icy void itself. How inhospitable and threatening an environment that traversing it was a feat most remarkable, and yet one that no one gave pause to acknowledge. A single fault in your craft could lead to a plethora of horrible ends. Without particle shields you were susceptible to every rock and debris floating through the expanse. A glitch in the navigation system could fling you into a planetoid. A system failure could leave the craft crippled and floating through space as environmental and life systems failed and you slowly froze and chocked to death inside a metal coffin.

And yet, knowing all that, he had somehow allowed an even more dangerous force aboard that same craft. All the bang and bluster of space pirates and military regimes could not levy a finger against what was laid up in his hold. It haunted his every moment since they left Obroa-Skai. It ripped sleep from his mind and frayed his nerves knowing that any miscalculation in the dosage could cause his passenger to wake prematurely and tear the ship in half, or worse kill him. The screams of rage still echoed in his mind. It was like nothing he had ever experienced before.

But something greater weighed on his mind. While truly he had rescued this man from what would have been an eventual death at the hands of the Empire after a bloody and gruesome campaign to retake the ruins of the city that would leave hundreds, perhaps even thousands, dead at the hands of the powerful and unfocused telekinetic, he had still more or less kidnapped the man, without giving him choice or chance. That was not what this as about. That was not what he had signed up for. This was about choice, not to give into gluttony and grab up every force adept as the Empire and Jedi did. They fought like schoolyard children, laying claim to people like they had a divine right to them.

This was about freedom; and he took that away.

It was with a set jaw and a shaking hand that he tapped in the command to unlock the bridge and pressurize the coupling. Several more moments passed before Zereth finally stood and stepped through the portal into the airlock and then the hallway beyond; leaving his lightsabre behind. Weapons would do him no good here. The second bedroom door was still open, and inside the man slumbered. He did not look restful, his body was not calm even in a drug induced sleep. There was tension and a pain hiding just beneath the surface. The antidote to the sleep agent was produced from the same medical cabinet, a chemical agent he brought just in case the man did not wake up when needed.

There was a hesitating moment, standing over the man, before the drug was finally administered and Zereth back up against the wall. Hands exposed, nothing hidden. No weapons. Only a knot of terror. Just him and his prisoner. It was time to make this right.