Eva grinned at Zach as his arm went around her, and she let herself lean into him. "Thanks for the vote of confidence. I'm okay with taking a backseat on this one, though." She had a lot riding on this mission, as big and complicated as it was, it was also intensely personal for her. She was approaching it with a singular focus, and a squad leader would need to be able to concentrate on everyone they were responsible for.

Moray, a tall, slim woman with long dark hair and electrical powers, was calling the meeting to order. Along with Domino, she was leading this particular mission as one of the elder statesmen of the cell. "I think everyone is here. I won't be keeping you long - as you know we are the opening thrust into Alcatraz. Another cell is taking care of the distraction in Oakland, and the third will be clearing our retreat from the island."