She turned away from him and watched the greenery that was clogging the alley between two dilapadated buildings. A gust of wind blew through the courtyard, but the overgrowth wiggled a bit after the wind had died down.

Extending her senses the Dark Jedi could feel what was creating the disturbance. Two or more of the beasts from the den in the west had come searching for supper. She kept a ready stance, and for a few moments there was silence as Naj kept the rock levitating, still leaning on his staff.

Ah wait - krasst. De'Ville whirled around to the east, saber leaping to her hand and igniting as a tawny creature exploded through a gaping window, leaping up towards her. The beast was large, and appeared to be nearly all muscle. A prehensile tail reached for her legs as the creature leapt, it's large paws trying to bat her head off. De'Ville swept her saber cleanly through it's right forelimb, and ducked the still moving piece as it flew for her head.

The creature let out a screech that must have touched the hypersonic, falling back in a scrambling heap as it gathered itself for another attack. At it's cry the alley she'd been watching to the north erupted in four more creatures, one bigger than all the others, standing at well over a meter tall at the shoulder. It was truly enormous, and beautiful to watch as it sprang through the clearing, leaping the broken fountain in a strenuous bound. De'Ville dove to the side as it crashed down in the spot she'd been occupying, and saw the other three make for Naj.

He was still holding his staff. Hopefully he'd be able to use it.