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Thread: War is Imminent

  1. #1

    War is Imminent

    Diplomacy has ended, the White House says. U.N. orders all staff to depart Iraq immediately.

    Bush will announce late today that Saddam has only days to leave Iraq or face the might of the U.S. and allied militaries.

    The stock market jumped 200+ points on the "end of uncertainty."

  2. #2
    Yes, Bush will show the might of the U.S. and allied militaries, but he wasn't able to show the might of the U.S. diplomacy. He was gonna make all UN members show their cards and let them vote on another resolution. His diplomacy failed and he didn't pursue the vote. That's a political defeat and an embarrassment.

  3. #3
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Hey baby, you've got something on your butt: my eyes.

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    Sanis Prent's Avatar
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    I couldn't care less. I'm just glad that we're getting around to actually fixing the problem, instead of perpetuating it. I wouldn't call refusing to bring a vote to Jacques "Drag my damn heels" Chirac a political defeat and embarrassment. I'd call it kicking sand in the bastard's eyes and not spending another pointless minute in his sandbox. We should've done this months ago.

  4. #4
    There would have been a vote if Chirac wasnt so darn stubborn, and was willing to read the 2nd resolution first.

    And the UK has deemed the war legal, due to resolutions 678, 687 and 1441.

  5. #5


    Nope, not at all. The only people who should be embarrassed are the French and the Iraqis -- I don't know which is worse.

    Diplomacy is always the best hope, but when it fails, there is nothing else remaining but action. France was going to veto any vote, so it wouldn't have mattered. You must not be up on your stuff at all.

    Second, France was unwilling to give Iraq ANY TIMETABLE or ANY ULTIMATUM whatsoever, which is unacceptable. They have doomed Iraq, themselves, and the diplomacy process. It's too bad.

    I'm thinking of the troops preparing for Iraq and wishing them luck. May the Force be with them!

  6. #6
    President Bush vowed on Thursday to force U.N. Security Council members within days to "show their cards" and vote on a resolution that would set the stage for war against Iraq, even if the measure faced certain defeat.
    And he didn't, so yes, that's an embarrassment.

    By all means Saddam is to blame here, of course. It's just too bad the world couldn't come up with a consensus. To which both sides are to blame.

  7. #7
    Sigil Roland
    We'll it seems as if that is all now moot.

    The war will begin in 48 hours...

  8. #8
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Hey baby, you've got something on your butt: my eyes.

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    Sanis Prent's Avatar
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    Just enough time for me to get my freedom fries and park my butt on the sofa...wooo

  9. #9
    Admiral Lebron
    I say we go for france next.

  10. #10
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

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    I had to be at work. Just what exactly is going on? I got no TV to watch right now.

  11. #11
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Hey baby, you've got something on your butt: my eyes.

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    Sanis Prent's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Admiral Lebron
    I say we go for france next.
    d00d no wayz!! France has no oil! Its only free parking into England-land and Germany-world!

  12. #12
    Admiral Lebron
    But wherever will I park my 50 foot SUV if not in france? And because once all the oil owning arabs are gone who's left? The French.

  13. #13
    Ishiva Ruell
    Well France has it's hands dirty in iraqi oil exportation, plus they're one of the leading automotive exporters in Iraq today. Not to mention, many of the materials being used in the iraqi oil fields are also of french design and origin.

  14. #14
    Admiral Lebron
    Theres so much French crap in Iraq its kinda hard to tell the two apart. . .

  15. #15

    Remember to get all the nerve gas, you should know you have the receipts!

  16. #16
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Hey baby, you've got something on your butt: my eyes.

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    Sanis Prent's Avatar
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    I can't read the recipts, they seem to be in German.

  17. #17
    If we attacked France they nuke us you know they have nukes right? I don't care to be radiated thank you very much.

  18. #18
    Admiral Lebron
    They'd prolly miss.

  19. #19
    Yeah instead of Atlanta they hit me, the odds of missing with a nuke is small, even if hit the ocean half the eastern seabord would be destroyed by a tidal wave.

  20. #20
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Hey baby, you've got something on your butt: my eyes.

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer

    Sanis Prent's Avatar
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    even if hit the ocean half the eastern seabord would be destroyed by a tidal wave.
    ...and there we have it, from the Nuclear Expert!

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