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Thread: To the friends we have...

  1. #21
    Ki-Adi Kindo
    Here goes my list...

    Maia/Alana - I'm not sure exactly where I'd be on these boards without you, and it goes without saying that you mean so much to me.
    Zeke and Wei - What can I say, two terrific friends OOC and IC. I enjoy RPing with the both of you so much, and more than that I enjoy being your one of main buddy's.
    Soth - My BRO-HAM!!! You're a great friend and you never quit making me laugh. It's great to have encouraging friends like you.
    Xazor - You were the very first person on these boards I ever spoke with, and you're never cease to bring a smile to my face.
    Tomak and Dios - Both of you are very wonderful friends, and two guys I know I can always have a good time hanging out with.
    Darth Snack - I've only known you for so long, but already you're a great pal and someone I can just relax when I'm talking with you.

    I'll probably be adding more...

  2. #22
    Mistress Tatiana
    Soth (Jimmie )

    My love, I can't even begin to express what you mean to me. You have etched yourself into my heart and soul. Never in my wildest dreams could I have guessed that I would fall in love with you. Yet because of your gentleness of heart and your respect for me, I did. I know I can talk to you about anything and you'll be there to listen. We have an special connection to each other's hearts that's so rarely found. You know when I need you and I know when you need me. You're the best boyfriend a girl could have, and I feel blessed that I have you. I love you with every fiber of my being, and I look forward to the day I can call you my husband. MUUAHH!!!!

    Lady Vader (Rie)

    Sis! What can I say? You're mean one minute and nice the next. You do drive me crazy a lot of the times, but I can honestly say that you've always been there for me. Ya, I've had to pull a few teeth out to get your help sometimes, but you always come through for me in the end.

    Live Wire (Audra)

    You are my long lost sister. I swear we must have been seperated at birth. I've never been so close to anyone in my life until I met you. We have such an incredible connection to each other. I've always been able to talk to you about anything and everything. (And I mean anything! ) And I always have such a blast with you. I know we were meant to meet each other since we almost did a number of times before we actually did. (Does that make sense? ) I will always treasure our first "pink spoon day". (Btw, I think we're up for another one. )

    Sanis, Roddy Two, The Lounge Lizard......etc. (Charley)

    You know, you scared me too when I first saw you on the boards. I thought for sure you were on crack or something. lol I remember seriously thinking that you would be one of the last people I'd want to meet on the boards, but you really proved me wrong. You're nothing like your Lounge Lizard character. I soon began to realize that there was so much more to you, especially when I started to see the connection you and my sister were forming. I was a little scared when I first met you, but I'm glad I did. If it weren't for you coming out here to Cali that first time, I wouldn't have met my love, Jimmie (Soth). You are one of the sweetest guys I have ever met. You're so much fun to spend time with and your cooking is awsome! Thank you for putting up with my "cuteness" , and for putting up with me when I've been rough. I know I can let my emotions go with you, and you never judge me for it. Thanks for being the "big" brother I never had.

    Alana (Hollie)

    You are such a joy to spend time with. I love your kids and I love your cooking. Whenever I need to talk about issues I'm going through, you're always there to listen and help. You may not realize this, but you've helped Jimmie (Soth) and I get through a lot of stuff together. And because of that, you can now be sure that there will be a bunch of little Sothies and Tatianas running around soon enough. I'm honored to be able to call you a sister.

    Lady Deville (Holly)

    Holly wolly! I knew when I first met you that we would be good friends. You're always so bubbly and happy, even at 4am in the morning. I'm glad I was able to watch Episode II with you. It was fun dressing up and running around like crazy Sith women. You're always welcome here anytime. And that roommate offer is still open if you ever want to move back down here.

    Akkrabim (Patton)

    Let me just say, you are the whitest boy I have ever met. I still remember that cute smile you had when I first met you. (I remember that little crown on your head too. lol) You're a crazy-fun dude to hang out with. You're easy to talk to and fun to rp with. I'm glad Charley, Rie and I told you all about this board. I know I haven't been rping much lately, but I do want to do that rp with you soon.

    Nupraptor (Shawn)

    The first time I saw you on the boards was a post you made in my defense to a thread gone awry. You weren't afraid to state your opinion just because you were new, and that caught my eye right away. I remember seeing you on the cam as you were showing Audra, Rie and I all your animals. I also remember how we were flirting with you. lol That was fun indeed. What I didn't expect was your vampire tendencies when I met you this past year. I think all of us Cali girls were bit at least once. lol We should plan another get together for Episode III.

    And for anyone else I missed, thank you for your friendship. It is something I treasure dearly.

  3. #23
    Ket Van Derveld
    Vega: you have always been around, chick, to help me out hoever ya can. From the time when we first started RPing to the sigs you make me now. I owe you kid, I owe you big

    Alana: You rock. I can;t say anything else because the is pretty much it. Girl, you rock HARDCORE!

    Hera: Ah, my old arechnemisis! i love RPing with you, you always manage to get a smile out of me!

    Darius: You too, are fun to BS with....remember the starwars gangsta rap? LMFAO! you and me gotta talk more!!

    Daiq: You know EXACTLY why i owe you! You, my friend, are a true understanding type of person. for that, I shall ever be grateful.

    To everyone else, you all know why I like ya. Thanks fer makin me feel so damn welcome. To you, I owe my state of mind!

  4. #24
    Man...Were to began...I suppose, to some it all up and to spare you all one of my long a$$ post's I'm notorious I'll juz put it to you like this...(Hold's his breath)

    I am thankful and greatly blessed and honored to have made the friend's I have here...Many have been here for me when time's have been bad as well as good. Many here have not only enriched my life tremendously, but have inspired me as well...You'll always be dear to me.

    I want to thank the SWnet. staff...You guy's run a tight ship and I want to personally thank you for making this so enjoyable and fun...

    I want to say thank you to my RL friend's who live in my home town...You know who you are and I hold our friendship very close to my heart...You are loved more then you know...Your life's and friendship will always be engraved upon my heart for the rest of my day's.

    Charlie: Bro, I have to mention you here...If it wasn't for you I would have never meet the love of my life in LA...I can't thank you enough and I'll always be deeply indebted to you my friend. You always been there for me and have inspired me more then you know. Even though were miles apart, I consider you a very close friend. I wish you the best that life has to offer. (And yes, you can call me anytime for anything you might need me for.) )

    Everyone: I've ever talked to over IM...You guy's and gal's are the best...You have been the true reason why I'm really here...Thank you...Thank you for all the laugh's, the crazy time's and most of all...Your friendship I will always cherish.

    Alana: To my sis...What can I say...I love you and you've been one of my greatest inspirations here on the board's...You've kept me going when the chips where down...Your the best sister anyone could ever have. And my brother in law (Dalamar)...You kick a$$ in RP and are loved...Well, in a brother in law way...:P

    And to the one person who's shaped my life profoundly and I've saved to mention the best for last here!...

    Christine/Tatiana: My sweetest love...I can't say enough about you...You know what you are to me my heart,...What you truly mean to me. You are the (main reason) why I'm here and the reason why I continue to write. Not only do you inspire me in every thing I do...You are the one person that make's my life so complete. My best friend and fondest love. (Soth) would not be what he is today if it wasn't for you coming into my life...I am truly blessed and loved...We write so well together...I wonder why? :P Of all the peep on the board's, your thread's I love to read the most...Your the best girlfriend a "Bad Guy" could ever have...I love you baby! Muhaaa!!! @}---}-----

  5. #25
    Evil Hobgoblin
    Originally, I wasn't going to post to this thread. So much of the time I looked at the descriptions of people here I know, and so many times I saw things that I wasn't, but that other people were. The fact that only two people took notice of me at all tended to reinforce that. In a very odd and insecure way, it hurt to read this, and I know I'm not the only one who felt that way.

    But, for whatever reason, I'm feeling very good right now. Maybe it was because my Urban Studies class tonight was interesting. Maybe it's because I got 4 hours of sleep and I'm on a caffiene high. Or maybe I just got over myself, who knows?

    I know 90% of the people on these boards. I don't know you all as well as I'd like, but I know you. I know Charley's into the military and Patton's a ninja- Rie is engaged and Holly is in need of a good man. I may not have met or even connected with all of you as deeply as some of you have with each other. But I know just a little something about so many of you and have tried as best as I could to add something to your lives the way you have added to mine.

    There are far too many of you to write something out for each one, but know that I did try to write something and was defeated in the end by my lack of brain functionality and the enormity of the task. So I will say it to you all- you are all great friends, and I wouldn't trade anything for the time I've spent here.

    But there is one person who bears special mention above everyone else, and that is Sonja, the woman who holds a place in my heart. I want to tell you that you have been a very special addition to the past year. I can only hope that I have added to your happiness as much as you have added to mine. I love you.

    Take care of yourselves, each one of you. And come back tomorrow, where we can share some more time together.

    And now the day is done
    And our time is through.
    But I'll be back
    With more ideas for you.
    And you'll have things you'll want to talk about.
    I will too.

  6. #26
    *hugs hob* I dont think this thread was meant to hurt anyones feelings. Like you said theres no way to mention everyone who has touched us. Which is why many of us said things that really cover everyone that has touched our lives here. But I think the point of the thread was that sometimes we forget to tell people just how much they mean to us and that this thread was just to take the time out of our busy lives to tell even just one person...hey you're special. It wasnt meant to include or exlude....just to say hey I need to tell people what they mean to us.

    I know speaking for me personally I love everyone here like crazy. I mean I have a whole list of people I didnt even mention. People who may have made me laugh when I need it or helped me out with a problem. And while I didnt mention them by name I did say I cared and thank you. That goes for everyone I've ever talked to on the phone and who has sent me jokes on aim...people like garret and liam who no longer rp's and vj whose my aim buddy, and saph who always asked how I was and meant it and god I'd be here all night if I listed everyone.

    But even though we dont have time to sit down with each person and lay out why we love them....I think it was a reminder to say hey from time to time look up from your work and your school and whatever else you have going and say hey thanks...and I love you!

    So Id just like to reiterate that not only for the tone of the thread but for me personally. cause I know I left a lot of people out. But it took me forever just to write what I did. It doesnt mean I care for them any less...but hey maybe next time I see them on aim this thread will help remind me to tell them just what they mean. So I hope this thread can be an encouragement rather then a discouragement. The boards shouldnt be a popularity contest and we just want to build up one another and take time out to show our feelings.

    *hugs everyone*

  7. #27
    Evil Hobgoblin
    LW: Yeah, I know... but I also know there's this blip of insecurity inside me that shows its face sometimes. It's very, very silly and completely unnecessary- but then, aren't we all that way sometimes? I've seen small things drive people away from each other, and sometimes small things rip entire communities apart in two. But no matter what, we're all still people and people matter.

    So yeah. Keep posting here, people. Remind others and yourselves that the tiny little insecure blip inside your brain is just a figment. Not everyone will mention your name, and you don't need to be on everyone's list, but someone's bound to say "You matter to me" during the course of this.

    "Remember, no man is a failure who has friends!"
    Clarence the Angel, "It's a Wonderful Life"

    P.S. Thanks for the hugs.

  8. #28
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Hey baby, you've got something on your butt: my eyes.

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    Sanis Prent's Avatar
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    The ones that I included are ones that I generally talk to every day and have spent a lot of time with. In my extreme fatigue, I did miss some (Gav, Dale, you, and others)...but I've got a conundrum in that there are so many here that I enjoy spending my time with. Some are friends, some are good acquaintances, and its hard to draw the line. Really...there are so many that aren't listed simply because I haven't had enough time to get proper exposure. Taylor, S'Il, and gobs more, that I'm just getting to know.

  9. #29
    Everyone has some insecurity in them....its part of being human. Not everyone will mention our names...hey Im sure theres someone out there on this board going "god that live wire! I can't stand her!!" But if even one person can see my screen name and say live wire....I like her then thats okay. And yeah its hard to battle the insecurities....I've battled them all of my life and I will continue to struggle with it as its a part of me (as my friends know all too well) but hopefully someone will see one comment about themselves in this thread and feel better. At least thats my hope!!

    Im reminded of something someone sent me in an email...I don't remember all of it. But part of it said "Somewhere there is one person who has thought about you before falling asleep." We may not always know who but when you're a part of this community never underestimate yourself...yeah its hard but you've touched someone at one point or another. And while some people have greater influence all that little stuff that no one knows about matters. Sometimes it matters more then the big stuff.

    Let me use this for an was something Iwas just telling Hob. Hob used to keep me company at my other oh so borring job. I had no aim access so I couldnt talk to 90% of the people that were online...I coudlnt' use the chat features of ms and I was always being logged off. My job was dull while it paid well and he would keep me company. He even called me a couple of times. Now that might seem small in comparisson to the "pink spoon day" I mentioned earlier. But as I told him it was actually better because he kept me company cause he wanted to. He called me because he wanted to! Now thats sweet and that means a lot...especially when one is stuck in an office 8 hours a day with nothing to do. The pink spoon day was something that happened because something bad had happened. And while pink spoon days are now something my and my friends do...when you really think about the two...which was better? I'd rather have that then ever having to have another true pink spoon day. (those of you who know what pink spoon days are really understand this)

    So I hope that illustrates my point that sometimes we may not mention something or it may seem small in comparission to what we think others have done....but to the person that you made smile...or kept company it means a whole lot more then you give it credit for.

    If Im getting too sappy just let me know.

  10. #30
    Wow, hey, what a good idea for a thread. Reading these lists makes me wish I could get to know more of you IRL, but as it is now, I can't really. However, the two people I have met, Lilaena and Rognan, are really honest-to-gosh nice people. I remember being so glad that he decided to wear that yellow sweatshirt... You, Lil, are one cool chica.

    Although I haven't met you, Sejah, I almost feel like you're an old friend that I'm just getting to know again. Strange, yes, and I've got to go visit you sometime (Mua ha ha!) and say HI. I really dig your artwork, and the pure honesty and intensity with which you play your characters. I truly respect your writing.

    Nuppie, you will forever be the keeper of my pants. Always remember that. I remember when I first came here, I was a bit startled by one of your sigs (I think it was the "Dementia: Ain't it wonderful?" one... mebbe) but that was soon replaced by you directing me to links for nipple jewelry. Rock on, man.

    And, although I can't say that I'm buddy-buddy with all of y'all, Charley, Marcus + Helenias, Amazonbabe, JKLS and Figrin are all people whom I respect and admire.

    I've also realized (in my moment of flashback) that this place is a very friendly place for newcomers. I remember the first time I came here... I lurked for a while, then created an account and posted. I didn't even know the GJO was a part of SWfans when I first started hanging around. In a few short weeks my horizons were opened and I haven't looked back since. Thanks to each and every one of you.

  11. #31
    TheHolo.Net Admin
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    I have scads of people to say thanks for being my friend! After I wrote my post, I looked back at it and saw all the empty lines, all the people I missed.

    Ryla, you are awesome. We only met once, but we clicked right away, and it was a blast, even though yes, the parking lot was freezing. I hope we can hang out some other time!

    I miss everyone's conversations! Silus, thank you for calling me when no one else would, and driving around in the dead of night so your phone would have a signal. That meant so much to me, you have no idea. I'm glad you didn't get pulled over. You don't treat me like a "weird internet girl" and I appreciate that.

    Hera - I can't believe that I missed out on meeting you in May. I feel awful (but its all Charley's fault. Really.) You make me laugh, and I miss our conversations.

    Daiq - you rank with Hera as one of the big sisters I wish I had. I already have three, but they don't talk to me nearly as often as you do. I hope we can meet someday (I'm sure we will) and we'll have a blast. We'll drag Eve along as well. You have experience that I do not, and along with Hera, I value your advice. Thanks for being willing to give it to me when I come crawling along begging for help.

    Eve: Someday we'll hang out. Maybe Vegas! I'm going to be there in March, I think. We haven't talked much, but I respect you and your opinions, because you're usually spot on. You amaze me in a lot of different ways... Good ones, of course!

    Nupraptor: I know your computer is out, but hopefully you'll catch this eventually. You and I have had some crazy times, and you'll always be my friend, no matter what. Yes, I have to agree with LW, the webcam is not to be missed. I have one too, you know... know me. Its scary, because you DO know me, I have very little to hide behind with you because we've talked so much. And even when we don't talk, I still think about you. Miss you Shawn!

    Zasz: You are fun Thanks for calling and being a pal, and not being a stalker! Here's to more chatting!

    Figrin: Thanks for the hours of discussion about football (1/4 of which I understand ) and Star Trek. You are one of the more fascinating people on the boards. Really. I can't wait to get to know you more. Booyah, foo'!!

    Tatiana: You ARE cute, and you know it, and no I don't hate you because of it. You make me feel like a 400 lb elephant next to you, but thats ok. Because its you, I'll endure the feeling. You and I clicked as soon as we met, and even though I don't see you around the boards much, its nice to know that you ARE aroung here...somewhere... Soth - You are awesome too! I hope I can get to know you better, and that we never have a kick <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> fight in person like we had on the boards. You are one scary mo-fo, you know that, right?

    To everyone else I talk to, Sejah, CMJ, Sorus, Helenias (on AIM you are hilarious....I can't imagine a better partner for Mark. Good job!) Vega, Blade Ice (my board would die of loneliness if not for you and Fett...thanks!), Dae and Leeloo (PENIS!!... *cough*), Wei, Alana, Sorr, etc etc etc....without any one of you, my life would not be quite the same. You enrich my experiences, and make coming to this little corner of cyberspace a little more worthwhile.

    Rognan, and Kyle: Dudes....if I'd known what would have happened when I introduced you two to this place, I might not have done it. Seriously though, you two are my pride and joy. Rognan, you are a caring and thoughtful friend (I know I'm supposed to be your aunt, but I feel like your big sister). Thanks for being my movie buddy. The way you take care of your family, and help out with your brothers and sisters and brothers and brothers is amazing. When you need to get away for some YOU time, just give me a call and I'll come and rescue you. Kyle - even though sometimes I just want to strangle you, you make me laugh. Don't worry so much about growing up, once you do, you'll wish you were young again. Take it from an "old maid" like me. As to when I'll get married - don't mention it again unless you want me to black your eye. If YOU ever need to get away for some YOU time, just give me a call and I will come rescue you as well. Rognan will probably come too though. I love you both, and I know there are exciting things ahead for both of you. MUAH!

  12. #32
    TheHolo.Net Admin
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    I told my sister once that I was lucky. Swfans isn't your typical "internet" place. I don't worry about meeing people and then finding out they are psycho stalkers. Ok, well, in Nup's case it was. Just kidding.... *peers out the window *

    Everyone here is special, and the people who come here who are newcomers, don't be afraid of what you might percieve as "the old crowd." I am always up for a chat, and I love getting to know new people.

    But now, I must stop rambling and sleep. Sleeeeeeep....

  13. #33
    Denali Gue
    I'll keep this very short and sweet.

    I talked to a few people last night on AIM and told them that I wasnt sure if I would post in this thread for the reason that if I left someone out who felt they should or would be mentioned, it would cause hurt feelings and I wouldnt ever want to hurt anyone like that. (Other ways can be verra nice j/j)

    Hob's post settled the issue for me. I wont list specific names. My friends are the ones I talk to and RP with, whether on a regular basis or not. If I havent talked with you it's probably because I dont have your AIM nic or we're on at different times. There are many others that I hope to get the chance to RP with in the future...I'll keep my fingers crossed.

    As Mr. Net and others stated, everyone who is here is family. My AIM is always open to anyone who wants or needs to talk and Ive found through the years that my shoulders only tend to broaden with time.

    To each and everyone at SWF, I thank you. You are what keeps me eager to come back every day and night, to read, listen and learn from other viewpoints and experience. You have my gratitude

    (Grrr! LOL, I forgot I was under this nic! ......> Daiquiri)

  14. #34
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Hey baby, you've got something on your butt: my eyes.

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    Hera, Daiq, forgive me!

  15. #35
    Daiquiri Van-Derveld
    Nevah!! *smites him with a cane

    Seriously....forgive you for what?

  16. #36
    Hadrian Invicta
    I know I've only been posting here at fans for a grand total of like 4 weeks. But I'm going to say somethings to the people I post with.

    Ket: You're an awesome rper, I enjoy putting Hadrian up against you for little mind games at Yog's (since you'd kill him if he was any where else). Thanks for taking the time to rp with a newbie, not many people are willing to do that. Thank you.

    Xeno: You, Telan, and Snack are part of the reason I rp at Fans. You've got so much creativity, not just with your writing but with your sigs as well. You are a funny, funny, man. And I'm glad that I've known you for these past 4 months. Thank you.

    Dae: We've talked 3 times on AIM, once cause I was wondering just who the hell you were. LOL We haven't gotten a chance to rp yet, but soon lol. And that Sig you did for me, uber awesome. Thank you.

    Xazor: Like Dae I've only talked to you a few times OOC* but I lurk I watch. You do a damn good job of rping and you are so friendly all the time. I hope that I get to know you better as a person ooc as well as IC.

    Telan: You're cool, you're smart, you're friendly. What freaking combination. I would have never done a fleet rp if it hadn't been for you. You are a wonderful teacher and a great supporter. *salutes* Thank you.

    Snack: The main reason I joined Fans. I was bored, you said come here, the members of fans won't eat my children. And you were right!!! You are prolly the nicest person I've met in a long time and your funny to boot. Thanks for being there, thanks for taking me in, thanks for sticking your neck out for a uber-noob. Thanks for showing me a place like this with so many interesting and creative people. Thank you.

  17. #37
    imported_Taja Loraan
    Eve Siren:
    I saw you around the boards a good year and a half before I first contacted you, and admittedly, I didn't have a great opinion of you during all that while (partly due to what happened at TLP almost 2 years ago, and partly for my dislike of Jessica Alba). When I did finally muster the courage to IM you... we connected instantly. You are so easy to talk to, about anything and everything, and I'd barely known you a few months (if even that) before I told you things I wouldn't dream of disclosing to anyone else. We are alike in so many ways, and yet complete opposites... you really are my spiritual twin, boo.

    Salemn Lysce:
    Again, I haven't known you as long as other people on the boards, but you were someone whom I clicked with right from the onset. There are few people I know who are as.. I don't know, talented? as you. You're cute (in an ebil way!), funny, intelligent, artistic, poetic... plus you like Coal Chamber, w00t! I don't know how else to describe it.. you're such an overall kickass, likeable person. You're so much fun to talk with, and just doing so puts me in a really good mood... which is something I can say about only a handful of people.

    Tempist the Uncaring:
    To think, I wouldn't even know you had it not been for some dude hacking into a board I used to visit. I don't think I'll ever meet anyone who shares my viewpoints as exactly as you do.. which makes you my perfect Pillow, in more ways than just one. You've always been there for me and patiently listened to my meaningless rants, and found sense in what I said when no one else could. It's kept me sane knowing that I'm not the only one who thinks and feels the way I do... so thank-you, for being just you.

    I don't know, you're just.. Zeke. All-round cute, adorable, easygoing, wuvy... Zeke. You agree with a lot of what I say, which is cool.. unless you just do that to shut me up. Hrm.. anyway. It's fun bashing you, especially since everybody else seems to love you, although you take it a tad too seriously at times (and not enough at others! ). My job is to make your life a living hell (I've been slacking, haven't I?), because.. you deserve it! It's one of the better rewards of niceness. You know I luv ya.

    What's there to say? You're my big brother and I wub wu. I've known you for well over 3 years now, longer than anyone else on the boards, and I'm glad our relationship has come so far from my being a "DISGRACE!". I'm hoping to one day sanctify our bond in blood.. and I'm still not sure whether to rejoice or weep piteously about the time when you said I'd grow up to be just like you.

    Garrett Blade:
    My Liverpool-ean buddy! A great laugh, IC and OOC, and a talented musician, poet, filmmaker, writer, blahblahblah.. a funkeh guy in all aspects! You are very motivated when it comes to achieving your goals and I can honestly say that you've been a real inspiration to me. I have to mention Gav here too, although I haven't spoken with him nearly as much as I'd like. You both are definitely a bitta nosh. Rock on, mateys!

    The Mal Pannis Clan:
    Dale and Sorsha, my Mother and Queen, have been my anchor to the roleplaying world despite all the times I've felt like disappearing, and have stuck by me since the beginning, both IC and OOC. Two of the best writers around, and both so sweet. Ogre... the nicest/evillest (IC!) and all-round coolest admin anyone could hope for. You guys are amazing.

    Dyne Darkforce:
    My big Asian bro. Nuff said, though he's not around anymore, which certainly deserves a good beating. Things between us have been rocky ever since the TLP incident but I'm glad they've more or less been amended because you are a great person and a great friend... even if it is by telling me how much I suck. :mneh

    Whew.. blah, there are so many other people I should mention, like Jenny, who kicks so much a-double-s; Miryan no Trunks, who's around less and less; Sasha, who's a sweetheart; Hobgoblin, although he refuses to worship me; Morgan, for being such a nice guy; Lily, who is 'the ossum'; Daiq, cuz she's fun to pick on; Snacky-doo, cuz he's nummy... @_@ okay, there, I mentioned some, but certainly not everyone, because everyone is.. uh... everyone, and that's a lot. o_o;

  18. #38
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

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    Wei Wu Wei's Avatar
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    Jul 2002
    Navaria: Big shout out to you. I learned most of how to RP with you. I owe you alot.

    Dios: It's your fault I even log on to this site! Thanks for showing it to me, I really appreciate it.

    Ansatsu: Pal, if you didn;t come to me with your problems, I wouldn't have been able to sort out most of mine.

    Zeke: You are my brother, what can I say?

    Maia: I go to you for a lot. Thankies. (Huggles)

    Ange: Even though you are not on much, you're still my good friend. I don't think Wei's character would have developed much without your help.

    Sanis: Thanks for all the RPing advice and words of wisdom, etc. Helped me out of a jam more than once.

    Kindo: If not for your coffee get together thread, I would not have met so many cool people as I have.

    Dae: The character builder. Well, not anymore. You're fun to talk to. And I do so love you.

    There are plenty of others that I consider my friends, even though we don;t talk much or RP alot together. Sejah, Kelt, Dasquien, and Marcus being some of those many. You guys all command my respect somehow. It's fun to hang around this message board. I can't imagine life without lurking around this place. See you around.

  19. #39
    TheHolo.Net Admin
    OG Forum Overlord

    Lilaena De'Ville's Avatar
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    Gamertag: Lilaena Steam ID: jainhollie

    I keep seeing people I want to mention.


  20. #40
    I know LD...Everyone I've met from Fans is awesome Not enough room to list them all.

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