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Thread: Verge of Insanity (open)

  1. #21
    Drake Shadowstalker
    Drake's eyes gleamed with a sudden eagerness at Sasha's words. The idea sounded like a good one to the Sith Padawan. He could practice on someone in the city so when it came time to inact revenge, he wouldn't fail. A wicked smile spread across the pale lips of Drake and he nodded at Sasha.

    "That would be most pleasant."

  2. #22
    Sasha caught the eager gleam in Drake’s eyes.

    That would be most pleasant.

    Sasha nodded.

    “In that case, why don’t we head down to the city…” He suggested and the two Sith began to walk toward the stairs that led them back down to the ground level.

    As they descended the stairs, Sasha glanced over at Drake.

    “One rule.” He stated, the tone of his voice unwavering.

    “You will harm no one – and I mean no one unless I give you the go ahead.”

    He stopped in his tracks and looked to Drake.

    “Fair enough?” He asked.

    He wasn’t trying to pull rank. But he was trying to look out for the order. Drake had already expressed a lack of control over his anger, and it was possible that the powerful feeling that came with causing pain to another would make him desire to feel it again – and again and again.

    This was not to be a killing spree. It was to be a lesson in control and he wanted the apprentice to understand this.

  3. #23
    Drake Shadowstalker
    Drake nodded to show Sasha that he understood and agreed to his terms. The Sith Padawan was almost quivering with anticipation. How long had he been wanting to do something liket this? It seemed like forever, but he in the past he couldn't. Now that he had the Force to manipulate and control, it would be all to easy.

  4. #24
    Drake nodded and Sasha accepted this. He could feel the anticipation of the apprentice. It was emanating from him and the knight couldn’t help but grin. It was – well – it was fun for him to see another learning and so excited about it.

    But he was also wary, for he knew how easy it was to lose control. Or to lose oneself to the lure of the dark side.

    They descended the stairs quickly enough and walked to the hangar bay. There Sasha led the way to a speeder. It was owned by the order, but he and others used it often to get down into the city. Out of habit, Sasha hopped into the driver’s seat and within moment they were off.

    As they sped down into the town, Sasha driving as recklessly as he always did, he turned to Drake.

    “Have you been in the city at all since you’ve been here?” He asked.

  5. #25
    Drake Shadowstalker
    Drake watched as they sped by other speeders and tall buildings. The wind whipped against his face and made him feel good. Anticipation was still there and he struggled to slow his breathing as not to apear to anxious. He respected Sasha and wanted to remain as cool and relaxed as possible. This was going to be the most fun Drake had had in a long time.

    "No, I have not been to the city, yet. I was looking for the right time under the right circumstances."

  6. #26
    As another speeder cut in front of them, Sasha’s foot never made a move for the brake. There were so many things that were great about the force, but one of Sasha’s favortie things was flying by it. He was more than prepared and their speeder dove low and off to the left as his foot hit the accelerator instead. A moment later they came back up to normal travelling height and continued their journey.

    No, I have not been to the city, yet. I was looking for the right time under the right circumstances.

    Sasha nodded.

    “You’ve been missing out, then….” He replied.

    He loved the city of Coronet. It wasn’t as big and bustling as cities on other planets, but it had its own charm and plenty to keep oneself occupied.

    “Theres just one thing to realize about the city…” He added, glancing over at Drake.

    “The order lives in a rather unspoken balance with the city. We each kind of do our own thing, and so long as we don’t step on each others toes, all is good. Just keep that in mind when you come down here and be smart about things. This isnt the city to come to if you just feel like wreaking havoc.”

    As they cruised through the streets, Sasha finally settled on a parking spot on a fairly busy street. They’d been rather lucky to find a spot...or perhaps it was the help of the force.

    As they stepped out and began walking the streets, the knight turned to his brother in the order and grinned.

    “We’re on the edge of the Theatre district.” He explained.

    “A few blocks to your right and you’ve got restaurants and theatres and bars for miles. To the left is where things begin to get a little shady. It turns into the Red Light district. Drug deals and prostitutes mostly.” He added with a shrug.

    “And the perfect place to find someone that no one will miss…” He added with a sly grin.

    They began walking down the littered streets. Men gathered on corners surveying the two Sith as they walked. Women called out of windows, displaying their wares. Smoke puffed through the air.

    Sasha reached into his coat and pulled out a cigarette himself, offering one to Drake.

    “Watch your wallet if you’re carrying one…” He added, eyeing a man who had begun to fall in step behind them.

    “And use the force. It will be your greatest ally down here…” He said this with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth as small flames seemed to appear from his palm to light the cancer stick he’d chosen to smoke.

    He took a deep drag and exhaled, kicking at an empty can of beer on the street in front of him. It rattled loudly along, perhaps attracting a bit of attention here and there.

  7. #27
    Drake Shadowstalker
    Drake stuck the cigarette Sasha had offered him into his mouth and asked for a light. He did the same thing he had done with his own. It would help to calm his nerves so he didn't get to anxious and lose himself when they began. Taking a long draw off the cigarette he held the smoke in his lungs and slowly exhaled as he fought the urge to cough. He didn't smoke often enough to not feel like wanting to cough.

    Drake glanced around at the many people walking around and briefly at the man walking in step behind them. He hoped the man would be dumb enough to try something. The Sith Padawan turned to Sasha walking behind him.

    "If they guy behind us tries anything, I think we should deal with him," he said giving a wicked grin.

  8. #28
    If they guy behind us tries anything, I think we should deal with him.

    Sasha chuckled.

    “He’s hardly worth your effort.” He replied. The man following them slunk along. He was thin and pale and his arms were riddled with tracks. It was money he was looking for. Money to feed a habit that he couldn’t support.

    “Death would be too kind.” He added, exhaling smoke off to the side.

    He flicked the ashes onto the street as they walked.

    “Use your skills to reach out. You can feel his suffering. You can almost taste his desire. He’s too weak in the mind to be your perfect target. Reach out and feel this, and direct him, through the force, to find someone else to follow.”

    He took another drag of his cigarette.

    “There will be others….” He added as he exhaled.

    “Others that are stronger and worth the effort. Others that can you give you more satisfaction.”

    He gave Drake a moment to do this, and a small smile came to his lips as the addict slunk off into a side alley.

    If Sasha had wanted, he could have used the force to nearly empty the streets of people. Sith were able to do this by projecting an uneasy feeling that made people stay away. Later, this skill would be put to use – later when they had found the perfect victim and they wanted no witnesses to blab of what they’d seen.

    Ahead, a group of three men hung out on a corner. From across the street, Sasha could see them eyeing the Sith. Intentionally, Sasha changed their path, heading in their direction.

    As they neared, the three men spread out, taking up the sidewalk. They were clearly looking for trouble – and they had found it. With nonchalance, Sasha flicked the ashes from his cigarette, using the force to carry them a bit further than they would have gone. Carried by a wind that no one could feel, they caught on the pantleg of one of the men.

    “Your ashes burned me.” One of them commented, stepping forward with a menacing glare.

    “Did they?” Sasha returned with a slightly raised eyebrow, his tone of voice sounding bored and almost bothered.

    And then he shrugged.

    “Oh well.” His response was overly sarcastic and carried the fact that he didn’t give a care at all. He gave a quick glance at Drake.

    “Should that bother me?” He asked Drake, an amused expression crossing his features as the Sith began the act of toying with the three men before them.

  9. #29
    Clarius Korban
    A dark figure, engulfed by shadow watched with interest from across the way. He tilted his head back slightly so as to see from under his dark hood. What he saw was quite suprising. Two Sith, picking trouble with a small group of townies.

    'Whatever next' he thought to himself.

  10. #30
    Drake Shadowstalker
    Drake shrugged his shoulders and could barely keep from quivering with anticipation this was it. The pain he would inflict on these fools would be much less then that which he would inflict in the future.

    "I don't see why it should. If this fool is stupid enough to stand in your way then that is his problem, not yours."

    The Sith Padawan smirked at the man as his face turned red and his fists clenched.

  11. #31
    (ooc: you did. You might want to look again and edit that last post...)

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