Kouzou is leaning back and relaxing on what's supposed to be a boring but needed patrol. All of a sudden while he was daydreaming his headset which was playing a communication from the station went to static and alarm klaxons started going off. He looked at the sensor board and saw that 4 rebel X-Wings had just come out of hyper and were on a direct cource for his single TIE.

"Damn" he mutters, "4 X-Wings against 1 TIE, even if those rebel scum didn't have shields and better weapons I'd still be tricky to kill them all."

He watches the monitors as the readouts show the 4 fighters breaking off into two pairs and going to his left and right for a flanking maneuver.

OOC: I'll get the rest up tomorrow after school, today was a bit busier that usual.