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Thread: ::takes a nap at a table::

  1. #41
    Michael Cline

    Re: ::takes a nap at a table::

    uh... No thanks Sanis.

    ::raises his hand in front of Sanis's face and motions slightly::

    Actually you're going to take me back to the bar.

  2. #42
    Sanis Prent

    Re: ::takes a nap at a table::

    (Sanis cocked his head slightly. That didn't sound like a bad idea.)

    Uh, I'm gonna take you back to the bar, okay?

    (Sanis began to turn the ship around)

  3. #43
    Michael Cline

    Re: ::takes a nap at a table::

    Hey that sounds good to me! back to the bar then! ::Smiled::

  4. #44
    Sanis Prent

    Re: ::takes a nap at a table::

    (Sanis smiled)

    You know what, Mikey?

  5. #45
    Michael Cline

    Re: ::takes a nap at a table::

    ::::raised an eyebrow and looked over at Prent::

    Um, what Sanis?

  6. #46
    Sanis Prent

    Re: ::takes a nap at a table::

    (Sanis leaned over slightly)

    I want you to listen very carefully to me...

  7. #47
    Michael Cline

    Re: ::takes a nap at a table::

    ::Mike's eyes widened slightly as he nodded::

    Yeah Sanis? I'm listening.

  8. #48
    Sanis Prent

    Re: ::takes a nap at a table::

    (When Sanis spoke, he did so clearly and slowly...)

    Imperative Four, it was you who killed Captain Jazzbo.

  9. #49
    Michael Cline

    Re: ::takes a nap at a table::

    ::raised an eyebrow::

    Come again?

    Sanis... did you lose it or something?

  10. #50
    Sanis Prent

    Re: ::takes a nap at a table::

    (The key phrase was picked up and correctly processed by the nanites within Michael's body, which had now had just enough time to distribute from his stomach to a proper distribution throughout his body. The nanites had not been detected in his coffee, as they were odorless and tasteless, and small enough to seemingly "dissolve" in the liquid. Within each of the molecule-sized robots, a minute quantity of Zyrved, a powerful sedative and narcotic, was stored. Unless intentionally released, ingesting the nanites would not cause the drug to activate. Instead, it would lie dormant, least until somebody spoke the key phrase. At that point, every nanite would simultaneously release its quantity of drug at the same time. With the drug already distributed to where it needed to unconciousness was guaranteed, in less than 1.5 seconds.

    Sanis winked)

    Say goodnight, Gracie.

  11. #51
    Michael Cline

    Re: ::takes a nap at a table::

    ::Raised an eyebrow::

    Goodnight Grac...


    ::Michael fell forward unconscience::

  12. #52
    Sanis Prent

    Re: ::takes a nap at a table::

    (Smiling, Sanis dragged Mikey's body down the corridor, and tossed him inside one of his two Universal Energy Cages. Sanis activated the energy bars barring Mikey's movement as well as his use of the Force. Once he was confident that sleeping beauty wasn't going anywhere, Sanis walked back to the pilothouse, and now that he was free of Mikey's suggestive technique...Sanis returned the ship's course to normal. The Silent Queen continued on its course to rendezvous with the Sith.)

  13. #53
    Darth Roul

    Re: ::takes a nap at a table::

    ::looks on as the ship enters the orbit of Churba. Realizing that his precious cargo has arrived Roul gets his ship ready. As the ship lands and Sanis exits Roul hands him a briefcase::
    Its all there, 600,000 credits. now where is Cline?

  14. #54
    Sanis Prent

    Re: ::takes a nap at a table::

    (Sanis takes the briefcase, opens it, and inspects the money, making sure it is all there.)

    One moment please.

    (Sanis walks into the ship, deactivating the universal energy cage. With a grunt, Sanis hefted Cline's unconcious form out of the ship, laying him on the ground in front of Roul.)

    Imperative Five. While all the women came and went. Barefoot servants, too.

    (Upon receipt of the waking command, the nanites slowly began reducing the amount of drug in Mikey's system. He would awaken soon.)

  15. #55
    Darth Roul

    Re: ::takes a nap at a table::

    ::as cline began to wake up Roul bent over and took a look into his face::
    Why hello there
    ::Pulls out a blaster::
    Don't try anything cline.
    You may now leave Sanis. Thank you

  16. #56
    Sanis Prent

    Re: ::takes a nap at a table::

    (Sanis nods)

    My idea precisely.

    (Sanis makes a short walk up the ship's gangplank. Moments later, the ramp is lifted, and the ship blasted off, headed back to Coruscant)

  17. #57
    Michael Cline

    Re: ::takes a nap at a table::

    ::michael looked over at Sanis taking off and mumbled out the word bastard barely audible over the sound of the Silent Queen's engines and looked at Roul::

    So. You're the one who orchestrated this? funny, I didn't think you'd be smart enough to do something like this Roul. What do you want?

  18. #58
    Darth Roul

    Re: ::takes a nap at a table::

    ::turns the gun to stun::
    Thats for me to know and you to find out
    ::shoots Cline and he falls to the ground unconscience once again. Roul then picks up the body and drags it onto the ship and places him in a small cage. He raises the ship off the ground and starts off to Corillia::

  19. #59
    Michael Cline

    Re: ::takes a nap at a table::

    ::Sees the gun be set to stun and flinches::
    not again with the unconscious....


  20. #60
    Darth Roul

    Re: ::takes a nap at a table::

    OOC: this will be continued at

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