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Thread: Jedi Teka Kenobi Training

  1. #21
    Jedi Teka Kenobi

    Re: oops

    OOC: OK thanx for that, could you please take the next move, I'm not really sure whast to do nnext apart from what I've done and I really dont want to make this an OOC thread

  2. #22
    Hart Kenobi

    Re: oops

    "Very impressive."

    ::Hart's finger dropped, causing the orb to fall inactive on the ground.
    He examined the Jedi across from him, measuring him.
    Suddenly, a peice of cloth rose up from beside him and slowly made it's way toward's Teka's left hand.::

    "Put it on. Eyes are decieving. Don't trust them."

  3. #23
    Jedi Teka Kenobi

    Re: oops

    *Teka watched as the cloth hovered above his hand for a couple of seconds. He took it an examined it. I was a 100% regular cloth. He did as his master told him and put the cloth over his head covering his eyes. He made sure he couldn't see through it and just to make sure he shut his eyes anyway. He got into the Chudan stance, wit his sabre forward pointed at what would be his opponents neck he waited for what ever his master would come up with next.*

  4. #24
    Hart Kenobi

    Re: oops

    "I would like to see how you'd fight under desperate conditions. Many people make the mistake and unknowingly tap into the darkside when they are given an abnormal challenge."

    ::Lifts his saber in tradition, and runs to strike.::

  5. #25
    Jedi Teka Kenobi

    Re: oops

    *Teka listened to what his master said. He put his sabre hilt so that it was at his right shoulder, griped with both hands so one arm came across his chest and so the blade pointed upwards (Hasso stance). Hart ran towards him striking down. Teka horizontally blocked it and spun round into a stike heading towards hart stomach.*

  6. #26
    Jedi Teka Kenobi


    OOC: Hart how do you get so many posts and how. I've been here for around a month now and I only have 20!!! lol, I want to get more but where can I post?

  7. #27
    Hart Kenobi

    Re: oops

    OOC: go on posting binges at Yog's Bar and Grill.

    "Remember, you can't see me with your eyes. Explain through your feelings."

    ::Hart blocked the strike and spun to try to sweep Teka off his feet with a leg trip.::

  8. #28
    Jedi Teka Kenobi


    OOC: OK thanx

  9. #29
    Hart Kenobi

    Re: Training

    "You are still relying on your feelings and senses too much. Let go of your mind and move with your body. Explain less about what you're thinking and more on your movements."

    ::Hart secretly picked up another saber, which now meant he held one in his right and one in his left. He ignited it only a split second before he striked at Teka's head. At the same moment, he used the already ignited saber in his right to strike at Teka's legs.::

  10. #30
    Jedi Teka Kenobi

    Re: Training

    *Instantaniously Teka got onto one knee (like the above pic of obi-wan), the above sabre taking off a tuft of his hair. He put his sabre verticaly to the floor blocking his masters strike. He took a few quick steps backwards. He stepped forward and a few more strikes and clashes of sabres were made, until Teka hurt his lower right leg with a strike from harts left sabre. He could still stand but it was distracting him...*

  11. #31
    Hart Kenobi

    Re: Training

    All that comes naturally once you are able to open yourself to the Force and keep open. It can't be scientifically taught or guided through, because there is no specific or describable feeling you must have to achieve telekinesis or any of the others.
    You have learned all the skills necessary to perform the duties of a Jedi. Now, all that is left is for you to prove to yourself that you can use them. I always encourage Jedi to duel at the BG as soon and as frequently as they can to both make a name for themself, and gain experience in handling tough situations.

    But be careful, I'd say the majority of the Sith godmode, so don't be hesitant to just call a battle off if you don't think that the Sith can play fair.

  12. #32
    Jedi Teka Kenobi

    Re: Training

    yeah I'm currently in a battle Hart, and have been in several others. I will carry on posting but maybe you'd like to look through the pages. Oh and in the anbira one I got totally destroyed so dont feel ya have to read that one (j/k)

  13. #33
    Jedi Teka Kenobi

    Re: Training

    This isn't spam it's just to remind hart that i amm still here and have already replied tom his previous IC msg. Please dont forget about me as I am still rp'ing here.

  14. #34
    Hart Kenobi

    Re: Training

    Yeah, I know It's just that I can already see that you know the basics. Now all you have to do is constantly follow them until they become second nature. This thread is basically to give you a better understanding of what this rp is about. I don't think I need to absolutely nitpick and tell you every move should you make, I'd much rather you learn throughh experience. So the first round of training is technically completed, and you can use this thread in the future for any spurious questions you may have.

  15. #35
    Jedi Teka Kenobi

    Some Spurious questions

    Here are a few quiestion I hhope you'll answer Hart...

  16. #36
    Hart Kenobi

    Re: Some Spurious questions

    Of course. That's what I'm here for, to answer ANYTHING you want along your "journey."

    1. Just anything that suddenly arises. Say you're having a battle and are interested in a particular question like "would this be godmoding" or "would this lead to the darkside" I'd be glad to give my opinion.
    2. A binge is just getting a lot of something. A binge of posts is like an overdose of drugs. Taking too many isn't good for you.
    3. Force plank isn't an actual move, it's a creative one. It's nice to make up some to customize your fighting style.
    4. AIM Hart Kenobi
    5. You can rp ANYWHERE. Even here, but you have to say it's an rp.
    6. Nope, not really. You'll have to use your own judgement.

  17. #37
    Teka Kenobi

    Re: Some Spurious questions

    1. OK cool
    2. Yup too much can kill ya....or get ya banned
    3. Is force plank like a force wall thing?
    4. Awww yer not online
    5. ok...this is not an rp i hope ya know
    6. I can't remember what Q.6 was but i'm that's ok too

    Thanx for that hart, see ya later

  18. #38
    Teka Kenobi

    Re: Some Spurious questions

    Hart where can i learn all of these moves? Nichos and Anakis found me a couple pages that are quite good, but do i have to post that i know these moves or what? Also I changed my name to just Teka Kenobi explaining the los of a few posts.

  19. #39
    Hart Kenobi

    Re: Some Spurious questions

    Can you show me the link to those pages? I admit I'm a little skeptical.

  20. #40
    Teka Kenobi

    Re: Jedi Teka Kenobi Training

    ok Hart they are: Unfortunately i can't remember the other one and it is only because Nichos tole me this one I remembered it hehe. So - what do ya think??

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