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Thread: Trinity

  1. #1
    Ayanami Rai


    OK. I think you should fight in here or start a new thread, BECAUSE SOMEONE DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO CLOSE A SIG..::coughs:: anyway. Fight away.

  2. #2
    Trinity Shun

    OK. Time to fight? anyone up for it?

  3. #3
    verse dawnstrider

    ::comes in::

    Not tonight. But I would like to watch as long as you two lovely ladies dont mind.

  4. #4
    Ayanami Rai

    Damnit Verse. We need a challenge. can't you find one of your Jedi friends to fight her?

  5. #5
    verse dawnstrider

    I'm game y'all.

    ::Spins his Light Scythe.::

    Ladies first........

  6. #6
    Trinity Shun

    ::Smiles evilly and takes a defensive stance. While he is unsuspecting, she charges for him, hitting square in the nose open palmed, throwing his head back in pain::

  7. #7
    verse dawnstrider

    ::feels his nose break.::

    Not bad. But you will have to hit harder to take out a Garou.

    ::Reinlines his nose. And shifts into his Crinos Form (See sig).::

    Now the fun begins..

    ::Spins kicks Trinity across the room. and follows it with a stomp to her chest.::

  8. #8
    Ayanami Rai


  9. #9
    Trinity Shun

    ::grabs his foot and twists it knocking him to the ground. boosts herself up and kicks him in the side of the face rebreaking his nose. and takes a step back anticipating his next move::

  10. #10
    verse dawnstrider

    ::Garbs his nose and Growls. Wipes his tail around Trinity's neck and holds her int he air. Verse starts to pound her with his huge Garou fists.::

    Teach to to touch my nose...

    ::Verse throws Trinity across the room.::

  11. #11
    Ayanami Rai

    ::smirks and watches her apprentice taking a step back::

  12. #12
    Ayanami Rai

    oops. doub;e post

  13. #13
    Bounty Hunter Dreyas

    ::Enters thread wistling a song::
    Wait a second....this isn't the grammys!!

  14. #14
    Trinity Shun

    *her feet fly towards the wall and she uses the force to propel herself backwards, doing a back flip, kicking Verse in the chest, throwing him backwards into the wall behind him. She stands up and walks over, kicking him in the side of the head*

  15. #15

    :: stands to the side with my arms crossed, my hood pulled over my head::

  16. #16
    verse dawnstrider

    ::Verse hits the wall cracking it.::

    Better than I thought Darlin'. Now to pull out the stops...

    ::Ignites his Light Scythe. Slices a deep gash across the right side of Trinity's face. Verse spins kicks her in the wound and knees her in the chest. Verse kicks her feet out from under her.::

  17. #17
    Bounty Hunter Dreyas

    ::Enters the thread once again reading a Movie Guide::
    Wait a minute! This ain't no Oscars!

  18. #18
    Trinity Shun

    *puts her hand up to her cheek licks it and laughs*DON'T MESS WITH THE FACE, BOY! *kicks herself up and spin kicks him in the side, throwing him sideways, she ignites her saber and spins with it in her hands, and cuts a lock of his hair off of his tail::

  19. #19
    verse dawnstrider

    Now you go for my tail....

    ::shifts into his human form. Verse kicks Trinity's knee dislocating it. As Trinity fall Verse knees her in the face.::

  20. #20
    Trinity Shun

    *kicks her foot up and kicks him in the back, throwing him forward, over her, she boosts herself up and watches him stand up, she hits him in the gutand keeps moving and hits him with a roundhouse kick to his head. As he stumbles forward, she reaches out and grabs his tail, yanking hard pulling him against her, she calls her saber to her, and holds it against his neck*

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