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Thread: Eraser (open challenge to a Jedi)

  1. #21
    Vega Van Derveld

    :: Vega gave a sneer as the light saber hilt landed at his feet. He said nothing, calling the blade to his hand. It was partly covered in sand and as he clasped it within a gloved hand he could feel the heat from the blade still in its aura.

    (Interesting indeed, very interesting...)

    Vega turned, dissapointed at the fact that two people had arrived and taken away his prey for the day. With a light sigh he glanced back over his shoulder to see the ship heading off into the distance.

    Damned bounty hunters..

    Slipping his new saber into his robes he walked slowly back towards his ship, cursing beneath his breath ::

  2. #22
    Ruben Drail Jr

    (The Jedi looked quite weak he thought. Weren't they meant to be strong and well built? Maybe the Jedi were the thinkers and the Sith the fighters? To be honest, who gave a damn? He had just bagged a Jedi which entitled him to 50 mil. and the anatomy of the Jedi wasn't something that he really cared about.)

    "Ok, Fett."

    (With a raised eyebrow he peered down at the.. boys?.. mans?.. however old he was he had a scar across his face.)

    "Looks like this one has had a good tussle or two in the past Fett, he might be a high ranker.."

    (Fett didn't seem all that bothered, he was engrossed in piloting the ship. Ruben shrugged lightly, keeping a watchful eye on their ticket to creditsville.)

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