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Thread: Trophy Assortment Maul - $4.99

  1. #1

    Trophy Assortment Maul - $4.99

    One of the lamest aspects of the EP1 line is now on sale at KBs nationwide for $4.99. My KB here in SW Virginia didn't have the sale price marked on the sticker but the it did ring up at $4.99. These have been purchased in NJ at this price also so the sale is nationwide. These started collecting dust the second they hit shelves and there was no way I was going to shell out $12.99 for what was basically a regular Tataooine Maul and a MicroMachine Sith Infiltrator. $4.99 is what it should have been priced at to begin with. But why do I buy something that really irritates me? Because I'm weak and I need help. There are 2 more figures in this series (Obi-Wan and OOM-9, the yellow battle droid) and the weak sales of Maul are going to make these hard to come by. But I wouldn't be surprised to find them on clearance a couple of years from now.

    I've really got to show some restraint with the 3 3/4" line.

  2. #2

    Ijust got back from KB and I saw that Maul figure. I also saw a 12" TC-14. Haven't seen that one before. If anyone is looking for it, KB has it at 29.99. A little pricey, but it talks, so I guess that's why.

  3. #3
    Jedi Master Kyle

    I wonder what lines TC-14 has?

  4. #4

    The TC-14 has most, if not all, of its dialogue from the movie. And it SHOULD be on sale for $14.99. It could be that some stores haven't physically marked down some items, but the computers should have the sale prices in them. If you want this one, take a chance and bring it up to the register and ask them what price it rings up under. I know the KB I bought my Trophy Maul STILL hasn't written the $4.99 sale price on the price stickers. Good luck.

  5. #5

    Thats weird. I just checked and they still have the TC-14 for 29.99 too. Doesn't anyone at KB know whats going on?

  6. #6
    Jedi Master Kyle

    If you think that's weird, then read this! When the Episode 1 toys first came out last may, they were mostly priced at 9.99. This other store (which is filled with crap) sold the figs at a staggering $12.99 each! And the worst part is their competition is in the same mall. But wait, there's more. After everyone lowered their prices to $4.00, this crap store STILL has their figs at 12.99. Can you believe that?

  7. #7

    I can, its ludicrous.


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