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Thread: Interesting Nick Gillard quotes...possible spoiler

  1. #1
    Jedi Master Kyle

    Interesting Nick Gillard quotes...possible spoiler

    Check this out dudes!

    "Mace Windu's fighting abilities are second only to Yoda," Gillard smirked. "If he gets within range, there's no question... you're dead."

    "Of course, he's the chosen one," whispered Gillard. "The audience will want to see that manifest itself. There needs to be flashes of brilliance. He's more skilled than Obi-Wan. Anakin always attacks. He's better and he knows it, which means he's brash on occasion."

    there's other cool stuff too. visit the official site and read the nick gillard story. very cool.

  2. #2

    Oh, that is so cool!!!

    Wish I could say something more intelligent, but...MAN, THAT'S SUCH AWESOME NEWS!!!

  3. #3
    Jedi Master Kyle

    don't bother! what better news to hear? slj about to open a can of whup arse! is there any actor out there as cool as SLJ that you'd want to see kick arse like he will? i can't wait!

  4. #4

    Me too dude!
    I think masterYoda will fight with the help of telecinisis you see he would not hold his lightsabre but move it with his brain!

  5. #5
    Jedi Master Kyle

    since were on the topic of nick gillard, supposedly the guy who did the fighting choreography in the matrix was in the hunt for the job gillard eventually got for ep2! it didn't work out because of the language barrier and he would want too much control, which uncle george would not be pleased with.

  6. #6

    Didn't like the Matrix fight choreography one bit. The actors obviously knew what they were doing and that helped, but I wasn't really impressed.

  7. #7
    Jedi Master Kyle

    i thought it was pretty cool. it was very deliberate, but cool IMO.


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