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Thread: What do you think is the modern "Star Wars"?

  1. #1

    What do you think is the modern "Star Wars"?

    The Matrix perhaps? I think that's the first thing that comes to mind. At least in US theaters.

  2. #2
    I don't know if I'd elevate the Matrix to that level. SW was definitely more kid friendly and had a much broader audience. But I see what you're saying Hart. We'll have to wait and see how these next two sequels do. Who knows, the "modern" SW may be hitting theaters this winter when LOTR arrives.

    You know, it's kind of funny to be talking about the next modern SW when we've got two brand spanking new modern SW films coming are way.

    "Dad, you killed the zombie Flanders!" "He was a zombie?"

  3. #3
    LOL, you beat me to that one Jedieb, I was going to say that Attack of the Clones is modern star wars!

  4. #4
    I doubt there will ever be another SW,so to speak.I Think we will see some movies make Record amounts of money but never achieve the level of success that SW has toys/seqs and longjevity.
    I think almost all the movies that will be talked about as being the next SW will start big and fizzle fast.

    Take Titanic (i know it's not Sci/fi nor Sq possible) but it made record amount of money and WAS just HUGE but look now ,what 4 years later the only time it is talked about is the money aspect.


  5. #5
    Champion of the Force
    That, and the fact it won 11 Oscars, putting it equal with Ben Hur.

    Then again, there were only half as many categories when Ben Hur was released, so go figure.

    It's hard to say whether or not there'll be another SW or not, because the after-effects of the films can only be seen when looking in hindsight.

  6. #6
    Thats true ,but I think personally Titanic was a MUCH better movie tha Ben-hur.And deseved to win all 11 .But you gotta love Heston.

    OT: you know I have never seen Blade Runner (dont ask just popped in my head

  7. #7
    Champion of the Force
    Bah - Spartacus rules them all.

    "I'M SPARTACUS!!!!" must be one of the greatest lines ever uttered in a movie.

  8. #8
    Master Skywalker
    I think the modern Star Wars can be found in two places. The Lord of the Rings films and MY PANTS!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. #9
    But LOTR is a old, recognized story with a lot of people waiting for it to come out. SW simply popped out of no where and became a hit by word of mouth, very similar to Matrix, only Matrix was released in a large amount of theaters initially.

  10. #10
    Obryn Shan
    The Matrix rip-offed many of it's ideas from William Gibson books who coincidently wrote the short story Johnny Mneumonic which later was made into a movie also starring Keanu Reeves.

  11. #11
    I'd hazard Harry Potter as a possibility, from early indications. John Williams score, Jim Henson's Creature Shop, ILM, and a huge cast of known actors.

    But like the others said, Star Wars ain't dead yet.

  12. #12
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    Originally posted by buffjedi
    Thats true ,but I think personally Titanic was a MUCH better movie tha Ben-hur.And deseved to win all 11 .But you gotta love Heston.
    ACK! *thud*

    "I think of my body as a side effect of my mind." - Carrie Fisher

  13. #13


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