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Thread: The Mystery Comic Boxes

  1. #1
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Art The Mystery Comic Boxes

    Much like bad movies, I am often drawn to bad comics (haha).

    Back when I lived in Seattle, I often stopped by one of my two regular comic shops and, in addition to pulling my normal titles, purchased mystery boxes full of either 100 or 150 comics per box. And these were bad... bad comics. Not all were bad to be fair, but a healthy majority were very cringeworthy. Mingled in were gems of comic weirdness, and those I want to share!

    The first is from Malibu Comics. It's bad to be sure, but I want to share it not for the horrid content, but the cover. Crazy stiletto knife earrings aside, I'm entranced by the boob mushing.

    Next, we have Guns of Shar-Pei. The cover itself is pretty explanatory, not to mention it just makes you stare for a few moments before wondering if you're seeing what you're really seeing. Yes. You are. Broken down, Guns of Shar-pei is about a ninja cowboy shar-pei dogman who is a wanderer of an apparently post-apocalyptic world. He wears a poncho, and has no problem baring his six-nippled chest.

    Hamster Vice. I'll be honest, I have no idea what this one is all about because I could never get past the cover. It was just too funny for me to try and take with any amount of dedicated reading.

    And last, Poison. I'll be honest with you. I haven't even opened this up to read it since the cover alone is pretty... special. Maybe it's because I'm a Poison lover, but I just don't know if I'm ready for the black and white disappointment contained within. And with 100% unauthorized material, I just don't think I can handle it.

    So there you have it for now. Not all of the stuff I have is horrid and terrible, and some of it is actually really awesome, but the bad stuff is always fun to showcase first.

  2. #2
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    You've got to scan some of the inside of Hamster Vice, surely

  3. #3
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    I'll look through it on Friday for the choicest pictures, and gleefully scan the terribleness

  4. #4
    Guns of Shar-Pei and Hamster Vice were both trying to ride the gravy train of TMNT, along with Kung Fu Radioactive Black Belt Hamsters, Panda Khan, and Fish Police.

    Only Usagi Yojimbo escaped alive, primarily because, well, it was around before TMNT, and it's exceptionally fantastic.

    I've got a ton of these old, terrible comics in some boxes, myself. I might have to see if I can dig them out and we'll have a bad-comic war. Mwa ha ha!

    (Be warned, I have Morlok 2021!)

  5. #5
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Ha! That'd be awesome to see some of your stuff!!

    All of my boxes are at my mom's, but most of the choice material I pulled out and kept with me. Some Planet of the Apes, Omega Men (which I actually really like), a lot of Elf Lord, Doc Savage, Delgado the space dogman, and a few others.

    I did score some awesome Ghost in the Shell comics in those boxes once. Was super stoked about that.


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