"Im not going back in there" she said, eyes wide and a little bugged. Kota grimaced a little, not her most flattering look.

"You got'to, I tagged you" he replied.

"Oh, you tagged me" - As if that meant anything to her. "I dont care if you clubbed me over the head with a mallet, Im not going back in there"

Clearly, by the man's expression, he wasn't comprehending what she'd said, and so Adelaide, to help his understanding, bent to slip under the rope in order to exit the ring. The crowd around her protested at once, shouting and shaking their fists, brandishing tankards of ale and even weapons in demonstration of their disapproval, causing Adelaide to hesitate. Kota bent down to repeat softly, even a little apoligetically, "You got'to, I tagged you."

Del slowly straightened, regarding her choices. The Gran or the mob and neither one appealed. "Im gonna kill you for this" she promised Novus and turned back to face the Gran.

"The eye stalk" Kota called after her, "go for the eye stalk"

The enormous alien stood where he was and waited as Del approached, a sneer on his lips. He could squash this human like a roach. For a moment, the pair stood toe to toe, Adelaide tipping her head to look up, the Gran bending his eyestalks to look down. "Life sucks anyway" she consoled herself as she prepared to make a punch, "may as well go down swinging."

The Gran allowed her to land two solid punches, but on the third wind-up, he caught her by the wrist and threw a punch himself, hitting her forcefully in the ribs, making an audible crack. The blow bent her double and as her opponent released his grip, Adelaide sank painfully to the floor. A kick from the Gran caught her in her lower back, and she couldn't stop the cry escaping her lips. The crowd noise simmered into a subdued hush and then rose up almost immediately into jeers and boo's at the anticlimactic finish.

Dully aware of the racket around her, Adelaide rolled herself over to the boundry of the arena and dropped herself ignobly off the edge of the dias.