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Thread: So It Begins....

  1. #1
    Anatoly Antropov

    So It Begins....

    December 27 2006

    Once the world was his oyster. In his old life he was a Special Ops commander, a decorated war hero, an instructor at one of the USSR’s most powerful institute and a national treasure.

    It all ended in an instant. It was all over now. He was in NYC. No one in America cared about his glorious past. In his new “home” he was simply another Russian immigrant. No one knew or cared of his abilities. No one knew his name. But soon, very soon they would never forget him.

    In three days, General Oleg Yashin would be making a speech to the students of Hudson University. Oleg Yashin was an instrumental figure in the fall of Soviet Russia. In this address, Yashin would tell his tale of these events. In the eyes of the students of Hudson University he was a hero of the Cold War, a legend of history and a liberator of the masses. Yashin and his cohorts were able to do things great men of history failed to do. General Oleg Yashin ended the communist reign in Russia. That was part of Yashin's story. One man knew the rest of the story.

    To Anatoly Antropov, this man was a rat, a traitor, and a murderer.

    In three days, Anatoly Antropov will exact his revenge for himself and the cause….
    Last edited by Anatoly Antropov; Jan 28th, 2007 at 02:35:55 AM.

  2. #2
    Anatoly Antropov
    Saturday December 30, 2006 Fifty Cent




    Yesterday in Fitzgerald Hall at Hudson University, General Oleg Yashin who was a hero of the Russian coup of 1991, was brutally gunned down by one of his own body guards as he spoke to a captivated audience of students and factily. General Yashin, who was in New York promoting his new book was shot at point blank range by his hired bodyguard Matt Frantz. General Yashin was rushed to Hudson University Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival. Matt Frantz was taken in to police custody. NYPD spokesperson Kevin Reyes said the Frantz was cooperating with the investagation. However Ryes said that Frantz had "no memory" of the shooting.
    Last edited by Anatoly Antropov; Dec 30th, 2006 at 01:29:38 AM.

  3. #3
    Anatoly Antropov
    To the editor of the New York Journal:

    All is not as it appears. A revolution is at hand. We have hid in your world too long. We have let the humans run rough-shot over us for too long. We will rise up against our oppressors. Yashin is only the first. Yashin was an enemy to our people and our cause. I had my reasons for his death. I enjoyed watching him die, but do not mistake the motive. The mutants of the world are united. We will have our revenge. The battle lines are drawn, what side are you on? the mirror.

  4. #4
    Anatoly Antropov
    The first act of the plan was simple if not enjoyable. The murder of the traitorous General went perfectly. “All political murders should go this well,” Anatoly Antropov gleefully thought to himself as he walked the streets of New York City. However, he knew this was not the time for celebration. General Yashin was but one cog. Many more people would have to die to end the mutant suffering.

    Antropov had ideas for more carnage, more terror and more bloodshed. Tactics and weapons were easy to obtain for revolution. What Anatoly Antropov needed was the most difficult thing to obtain. An army, his army of mutants willing to do what was necessary to achieve the ultimate goal, the mutant utopia, a world where mutants would not live in fear of the human’s oppressive laws and culture. A society dominated by the people, his people of like abilities. The time to unleash this army was now. One question remained.

    Where would he find these soldiers? Finding them was simple. Convincing them to become militant killers, that is the challenge. American society transformed thousands of mutants into powder kegs; “The Mirror” was ready to light their fuses.

  5. #5
    Anatoly Antropov
    phase one.
    start phase two.
    Last edited by Anatoly Antropov; Jan 28th, 2007 at 03:17:54 AM.


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