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Thread: Return to Haenmour

  1. #1
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

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    Sep 2001
    Jersey, you punk

    Return to Haenmour

    The horse reared up, its dark eyes wild, white spittle frothed from its lips. Its black mane danced frantically in the cold wind. The rider’s cloak whipped and billowed around his body like hell’s flag.

    Charcoal colored armor barely reflected the dimming crimson of the descending sun. Gray clouds began embracing even the remotest fringes of the sky as the late summer’s storm started to brew.

    The first icy drops of dart-like rain fell from the heavens and splashed loudly against the steel armor of the rider. His mount marched slowly on under the burden of the fully armed and armored man, grunting occasionally with the effort.

    “Hyia!” Heavy heels sunk into the sides of the horse and it neighed and shot forward like lightning. The burst of speed continued as the field began to become rocky underfoot. Boulders appeared as the terrain changed from open planes to granite mountains.

    Spear held low, the mounted soldier sank the iron head through a footman’s chest and the shaft snapped. The dark armored horseman brought his charger around and drew his hand-and-a-half blade. A simple stroke lobbed the shocked trooper’s head from his body.

    The rain began to assault the ground with the full force of an endless barrage of silver arrows. Puddles of shimmering water formed in the dry earth.

    The ground shook and hoofs could be heard in the distance. The warrior raised a crimson pendant high on another lance-like spear and screamed in a deep, gurgling language.

  2. #2
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer

    Khendon Sevon's Avatar
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    Sep 2001
    Jersey, you punk
    I perceived the thunderous impact of steel-lined, sharpened hooves pounding off in a westerly direction. The rumble grew like a steam locomotive chugging ever faster. Instead of black coal smoke, brown dust rose in a gentle, hazy billow. I had seen charges of heavy cavalry decimate masses of barbarian troops in my stint in the Roman military—the full twenty year term. The Hessians had used similar charges in their role as German mercenaries for the British in the Revolution. I had witnessed heads lobbed clean from neck by the curved swords of those hellish riders.

    The sprinting line of men and animals was a truly breathtaking sight to behold. I couldn’t help but find myself awed by the sheer power that the mass represented. The fully armored knights that seemed to be on a collision course with me were the tanks of this realm. Each was capable of traveling at fast speeds over difficult terrain, could withstand barrages of iron arrowheads, and had the capability to inflict deadly blows from a variety of weapons.

    Shadow neighed uneasily beneath me and I stroked a hand along her neck, “Shh, girl, there’s no need to worry. Calm now, calm.” I had driven her too hard that day, this I knew. It was a risk that I had weighed and taken. She had been my sole companion on many a long journey and had gone through the pathways of Hell and back bearing me as her burden. Maybe I asked too much of her this day. I would have to give her a long rest in green pastures after this leg of my adventure.

    The red pendant that I had raised caught in the wind and tried to tear from its pole. The spear quivered in a strong gust of wind but the sturdy, young wood held. The rouge emblem was a reminder of my lineage and conveyed my personage louder and further than my voice. The design consisted of a single crimson tear.

    I just hoped the riders would have enough sense to look to my banner before riding me down.


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