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Thread: The New Campaign

  1. #21
    TheHolo.Net Admin
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    Immediately afterwards.

    Jedi could be leftovers from the Jedi Purge, trained by Jedi from the Purge, dark jedi, Sith wannabes, etc.

    Imperials and rebels are pretty straight forward. See post #10.

  2. #22
    Ishan Shade
    Ahh, I see.

    Thanks Lil....

  3. #23
    TheHolo.Net Admin
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    anything for you. I hear falleen are uber in bed.

  4. #24
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    The timeline should be about the same time as "Truce at Bakura", which is to say, the Emperor's black bones are still warm to the touch

  5. #25
    Cat Terrist
    Sounds good to get back in with something completely unrelated to anything I've done. But, I'd suck something fierce, unless it was a free for all blowing crap up.

    * sigh *

    I really wish I didnt suddenly find myself with the need to have a mental outlet like RP again.

  6. #26
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    If the Emperor is gone we will need some people running the Empire.

  7. #27
    Lion El' Jonson
    I'd be glad to roleplay either side of the conflict, with an non-jedi character for once. I've always felt that the GJO link conflicted with my realization of Lion as a full-on Admiral, and I think we've got a very powerful concept here if we can keep it steady.

    One reason I really like this story arc concept is because it actually expands upon the military's role in the galaxy; given that the Jedi are currently in hiding, it gives them a more focused, personal scope, whereas the military can finally become a more formidable foe. One of the biggest problems we have with the current RP style is one of perception: The Jedi are supposed to be a peacekeeping force, yet we like to focus on the more Jedi-like things, personal issues and the like. In comparison, the Fleets are supposed to be the dominating forces in the galaxy, yet because of a lack of roleplayers and realistic storylines, we cannot realize that view.

    I think that by taking this entire board back to the time of the Galactic Civil War, a period where massive battles erupted on every planet and in deep space, we can finally get the proper focus that we've lacked. Also, let's not forget that the time following the incident at the Death Star II was one of practical fratricide for the Imperial Fleet, as hundreds of senior officers took their fleets and broke away from the Empire to form their own warlord fiefdoms. There is a lot of potential for multiple Imperial factions.

  8. #28
    SW-Fans.Net Admin

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    Originally posted by Tiberius Anar
    If the Emperor is gone we will need some people running the Empire.
    Yah, you guys gotta figure out who.

    I also suggest that the DS2 was crippled in the attack, but still physically intact.

  9. #29
    Ishan Shade
    I would love to RP in one of those roles...Ishan is pretty much my only character and I think he would be a perfect candiadate for the new Emporer

    I think it would be a cool idea for the person in charge of the Empire to also draft a couple of Sith under his command...

    The Falleen are very ruthless and cunning, and like Lil said - we're not too shabby in the sack either.

  10. #30
    Sorsha Kasajian
    Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville
    We should also hammer out some ideas for new groups, should the need arise. The KA will re-tooled should this happen. Details to follow.
    Well, sense Sisters of Chaos is defunct, we're looking for an angle, and something to change the forum into. My suggestion was Black Sun, in the hopes of getting some controlling interest. I've pm'd you and Charley already, but there needs to be further discussion collectivley for merging, idea spinning, collaboration, etc.

  11. #31
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    Some interesting ideas being presented. My couple questions:
    - First, am I right to assume all of Khendon's advanced technology would have to be wiped clean?
    - Second, what about the Emperor's clones? Are we going to ignore some of the books and so forth?

  12. #32
    TheHolo.Net Admin
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    Sasseeri is ready for Black Sun competition. I'm doing away with the Sector Rangers.

  13. #33
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    - Second, what about the Emperor's clones? Are we going to ignore some of the books and so forth?
    Now there's an idea. We could be looking for one of them. The Rebel's have to stop us.

  14. #34
    TheHolo.Net Admin
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    We should have a way to keep track of tech developments, etc. Perhaps a system where you can develop two new techs each arc, and keep track of them in your profile, much like ranks and all that?

    I don't know about existing ones. You'd have to explain how they fit into the Return of the Jedi time line.

    edit: (for a new field in profiles)
    SW-Fans v1:
    Rank: Gained rank of Dark Jedi Master through training from Live Wire and Jedah Lynch. Started the KA on Onderon.
    Tech: Developed neural interfaces, quantum gravitic reactors.

    SW-Fans v2:
    Rank: Retained rank of master, started the Cult of Freedon Nadd on Onderon.
    Tech: Developed cubatoms.
    Any developed tech would have to be justified honestly to be reused in another story arc.

  15. #35
    Drin Kizael
    So Dale told me about this reboot. I am intrigued. Though I hope no one holds it a one year timeline like Morg proposed. I'd think players would prefer keeping it going for as long as it can, and start over when it's run it's course. What works in anime doesn't really work in all cultures.

    A thought about nitpicking the definition of Sith vs Dark Jedi, and there having to be only 2... People who want to play evil Jedi will always want to be called Sith. It just sounds cooler. And it can still be justified in the context of the EU.

    Once upon a time, the Sith was a sizeable religion. I'm sure most of us have played Knights of the Old Republic. The main 2 that launched the Sith War were not the only Sith in the galayx.

    Just because Darth Bane changed the rules later on so that there can be only 2, the apprentice always killing the master and ascending... that doesn't mean it has to stay that way. The setting you guys are working out could be the home of a New Sith Order.

    Anyone who seeks out Sith legends could easily come to the conclusion that this two-member rule was a bad one. After all, look where it got Sidious and Vader. They may think it's time for a Reformation.

  16. #36
    I think I love you, Drin. You voiced exactly what I was thinking (I just didn't know how to put it into words without getting all bent out of shape ).

  17. #37
    Sorsha Kasajian
    Originally posted by Drin Kizael
    So Dale told me about this reboot. I am intrigued. Though I hope no one holds it a one year timeline like Morg proposed. I'd think players would prefer keeping it going for as long as it can, and start over when it's run it's course.
    I agree. It seems a bit frustrating to establish something in a year only to have to scrap it at the end.

    :: hugs AB ::

  18. #38
    Gav Mortis
    Originally posted by Sorsha Kasajian
    I agree. It seems a bit frustrating to establish something in a year only to have to scrap it at the end.
    The idea behind this, as has been mentioned several times now, is that if we have a timeline longer than a year, it gives roleplayers the option of being lax about their posting and thus, the action-packed fast-paced Star Wars universe for which we strive will return to this stagnant mess we are currently trying to put to an end.

    A year is more than enough time to see a boardwide story arc though. All we need to do is pull our collective fingers out and get on with it, which is part and parcel of what this whole annual reset is all about.

  19. #39
    Sorsha Kasajian
    I know, but could groups and the like still be carried over to the next year, like a season, or totally scrapped?

  20. #40
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Originally posted by Drin Kizael
    So Dale told me about this reboot. I am intrigued. Though I hope no one holds it a one year timeline like Morg proposed. I'd think players would prefer keeping it going for as long as it can, and start over when it's run it's course. What works in anime doesn't really work in all cultures.
    Well, I think that with the voting that will be put in to place, we can have the option of voting to keep the future existing storyline if it's on a roll to the point that we're just having too much fun with it. Of course if you've already killed your character, then that's another year you'd have to wait, but it's also another year that you can use to branch out and really broaden your writing scope as far as other characters you use are concerned

    A thought about nitpicking the definition of Sith vs Dark Jedi, and there having to be only 2... People who want to play evil Jedi will always want to be called Sith. It just sounds cooler. And it can still be justified in the context of the EU.

    Once upon a time, the Sith was a sizeable religion. I'm sure most of us have played Knights of the Old Republic. The main 2 that launched the Sith War were not the only Sith in the galayx.

    Just because Darth Bane changed the rules later on so that there can be only 2, the apprentice always killing the master and ascending... that doesn't mean it has to stay that way. The setting you guys are working out could be the home of a New Sith Order.

    Anyone who seeks out Sith legends could easily come to the conclusion that this two-member rule was a bad one. After all, look where it got Sidious and Vader. They may think it's time for a Reformation.
    The way I've been reading the proposed setup might be a bit off from what people meant, but I figured that the rule of two Sith would be loosely translated. As in, there wouldn't be JUST two Sith in the entire galaxy, but we'd adopt more of a 'pairs of two wandering around. Not really a large group all concentrated in one place. Like, there would be a master and apprentice on Korriban, but then there would also be another master and another apprentice say, over in the Hapes Cluster. So yeah there would only be two in the same place, but at the same time there'd be more than one pair of Sith in the universe. Plus, it seems that that would help the people who play the masters to not get overloaded with apprentices. Not to mention that there would more than likely be quite a few cults sprouting up; like a group of darksiders could renew the Marka Ragnos Cult, as well as Hollie wanting to start the Freedon Nadd Cult on Onderon.

    Of course I could have just interpretted it all wrong, but that's what I thought would be happening. If any of what I just said makes sense at any rate

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